Category References | – Leader Development for Army Professionals


Pregnancy/Postpartum Physical Training (PPPT) Frequently Asked Questions

This is a Pregnancy/Postpartum Physical Training (PPPT) Frequently Asked Questions document. Some of the questions covered are as follows: Is PPPT mandatory? Is PT safe during pregnancy? What assurance is there that the exercises in the PPPT Program are safe …Read More

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Security Manager’s Handbook USAREC Pamphlet 380-4

The purpose of this handbook is to provide a handy reference document for security managers that encompasses the major security issues, some of which may not be applicable to all recruiting activities. Information within this pamphlet does not supplement Army …Read More

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U.S. Army Quartermaster Center And School Logistics Training Department Supply Training Handbook

This Supply Training Handbook will introduce and describe the most important codes applicable to Army units and Supply Support Activities. It will also depict some of the most basic forms associated with Army supply. It is meant to assist Army …Read More

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Master Army Promotions Boards - App for iOS
Get Tabbed - How to Graduated Army Ranger School

Army Regulation References – List of Army Regulations by Topic Catagories in Alphabetical order

This is a list of Topic Categories in Alphabetical order and a Reference to the regulation and/or DA Pamphlet that covers the topic of the category.  It also list 4 good web sites to find the given regulation or DA …Read More

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USMC Range Safety Pocket Guide

This portable guide provides references to MCO 3570.1B and DA PAM 385-63. It is not intended for use as a sole source of information for the MCO 3570.1B and/or DA PAM 385-63. For further information, consult the full versions of …Read More

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U.S. Army Pregnancy and Postpartum Physical Training Implementation Guide

This is a U.S. Army Pregnancy and Postpartum Physical Training Implementation Guide. Few other professions require the physical fitness levels that are expected of US Army Soldiers. Being in the military service, pregnant Soldiers are expected to meet strenuous physical …Read More

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Army Counseling Software - Include over 250 Army Counseling Examples
The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership

Pretrial Confinement Preresident Training Support Package

This Training Support Package provides the student with a standardized lesson plan for presenting instruction for the Employing Military Justice. It help determine how regulatory and local policies govern the pretrial confinement of an accused Soldier. As well as other …Read More

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How To Train Your Squad A Training Guide for Infantry Squad Leaders

The Document covers: What are My Training Responsibilities? ,What are My Training Responsibilities?, Who Supports Me?, Guidelines for Training What Tools Support My Training?,What Training Needs to be Done?, What are Individual Skills?, What are Collective Tasks?, How Do I …Read More

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Family Readiness Group Briefing

This is a briefing on Family Readiness Group, it covers the following topics: Reestablish lines of communication Confirm/Deny contact information Provide key information Training Calendars (in packet) Calendar Highlights Deployment Benefits Wives’ Huddle NOTE: This document is in MS PowerPoint

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FM 101-10-1/2 Staff Officers’ Field Manual Organizational, Technical, And Logistical Data Planning Factors (Volume 2) – Historical Copy rescinded

This is a historical copy of FM 101-10-1/2 (Volume 2) which includes Change 1, it’s Table of Contents is as follows: Supply planning data TRANS and MVMT planning data Personnel losses and replacements NOTE: This document is in PDF format …Read More

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DA form 553 Deserter/Absentee Wanted by the Armed Forces – Example of How it Should be Filed Out

DA form 553 Deserter/absentee wanted by the armed forces. It has been partially filled out as an example of the proper way to fill out this form to be submitted. NOTE: This document is in PDF format

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AR 600-6 Individual Sick Slip DD Form 689 – Historical Copy superseded by AR 40-66 Medical Record Administration and Health Care Documentation

This regulation prescribes policy and procedures for the preparation, use, and disposition of DD Form 689 Individual Sick Slip. The Individual Sick Slip will be issued to a patient who either requests or receives medical or dental treatment or evaluation …Read More

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