Category Operational Orders & Official Messages | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Operational Orders & Official Messages

MIL-PRF-63003B(TM) Performance Specification Manuals, Technical: Battlefield Damage Assessment and Repair, Preparation of

This specification covers the format, style, and content requirements for preparation of technical manuals used for battlefield damage assessment and repair (BDAR) of weapon systems/ equipment damaged or failed on the battlefield. It covers content requirements which are mandatory, and …Read More

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Soldiers Guide to Citizenship

This is a document that is a Soldiers Guide to Citizenship.  The Department of Defense has partnered with US Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS) to assist non-citizen military personnel with their citizenship applications. The goal is to streamline and expedite …Read More

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Separation Under The Qualitative Management Program (QMP)

This is a Questions and Answers document designed to help you determine your rights under DA’s Qualitative Management Program. The questions answered in the document are as follows: What is the QMP? What criteria does the QMP consider? What procedures …Read More

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Army Uniform Tool
Wear it Right! Army Uniform Guide

Separation And Divorce Fact Sheet

This fact sheet is intended as a quick reference. It is not intended to be a substitute for seeking advice from an attorney and it should not be used as such. Its purpose is to inform individuals contemplating separation or …Read More

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Selection Board Process Script

This is a script that was used for a video that explains the Board process and gives helpful suggestions for Soldiers at every level best prepare for the Board process.  It covers topics pertinent to the Soldier going before the …Read More

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Qualitative Management Program (QMP)

The information provided is for soldiers seeking legal assistance to appeal a DA-Imposed Bar to Reenlistment Under the Qualitative Management Program (QMP), pursuant to AR 601-280. Even though you may have a bar imposed by your immediate commanders, a Department …Read More

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The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide
Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide

Promotions Boards Frequently Asked Questions

This is a Word format Promotions Boards Frequently Asked Questions document Areas covered are as Follows: General Board Questions Colonel Command Assignment Selection Board (CCASB) Questions Position Vacancy Boards (PVB) Questions Enlisted Promotion Board Questions Officer Promotion Board Questions TPU …Read More

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Physical Disability Agency Fact Sheet

The United States Army Physical Disability Agency (USAPDA) manages the Army’s Physical Disability Evaluation System (PDES) and acts on behalf of the Secretary of the Army. The PDES is used to determine the fitness and applicable disability benefits of Soldiers …Read More

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Driving Privileges Suspension or Revocation

This document is intended to explain the procedures for suspension and revocation of post driving privileges. Generally, the installation commander or his designee may, for any legal cause, suspend or revoke the installation driving privileges of anyone — Soldier or …Read More

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Compassionate Reassignments – in a Questions and Answers Format

This document covers topics about compassionate reassignments as follows: What is a compassionate reassignment? Emergencies arising during leave: What documentation is required? What Legal Assistance Can Do: NOTE: This document is in PDF format

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A Survivors Guide to Benefits

This guide is intended to aid you as you work through the difficulty and pain of losing a loved one who was serving in the military. The Department of Defense takes seriously its obligation to our service members and their …Read More

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ALARACT 105/2010 Basic Allowance For Subsistence (BAS) COLLECTIONS

This message reinforces to commanders, G1’s, S1’s, and military pay offices that the law and Army regulation require collection for meals provided to Soldiers who are receiving full BAS under field conditions. This requirement is not optional. Unit commanders are …Read More

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