Category Regulations | – Leader Development for Army Professionals


ER 37-1-28 Continuing Resolution Authority CRA

Purpose:  This regulation establishes the procedures by which the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) activities will operate under and immediately following one or more Continuing Resolutions. This regulation is not intended to replace or duplicate the policy contained in …Read More

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ER 37-1-27 Engineer Reporting Organization Codes (EROC

Purpose:  This regulation establishes a system of standard Engineer Reporting Organization Codes(EROC)for use in automated reporting within the command.

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ER 37-1-26 Issuance and Acceptance of Project Orders

Purpose:  This regulation promulgates the conditions and terms upon which the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) activities may issue and accept Project Orders. This regulation is not intended to replace or duplicate the policy contained in higher headquarters regulations, …Read More

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The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership
The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide

ER 37-1-24 Operating Budgets

Purpose:  This regulation provides policy guidance for the preparation and utilization of operating budgets.  This regulation is not intended to replace or duplicate the policy contained in higher headquarters regulations, rather, it provides guidance specifically applicable to the Corps of …Read More

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ER 37-1-21 Payment and Reporting of Interest Penalties Prompt Payment Act PL 97-177 CH 1-2

Purpose:  This regulation provides general guidance in implementing the Prompt Payment Act and in reporting interest penalties on late payments. The main objective is to provide efficient and uniform procedures for the administration, accounting, and reporting of financial statistical data …Read More

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ER 37-1-18 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sponsored and Co-sponsored Meetings

Purpose:  This regulation provides guidance and instructions for conducting all USACE sponsored/co-sponsored meetings and outlines specific procedures for all USACE non-training meetings/ conferences/ workshops that involve 25 or more Department of Army (DA) personnel in a TDY status.

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Wear it Right! Army Uniform Guide
Army Counseling Software - Include over 250 Army Counseling Examples

ER 360-2-25 Proposed Advertising Schedule of Civil Works Contracts

Purpose:  This regulation prescribes procedures to be followed by division and district commanders in making available information on scheduled advertising of Civil Works contracts.

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ER 360-1-2 Unified Visual Communication System

Purpose:  This regulation establishes the Corps’ Unified Visual Communication System and prescribes policy, responsibilities and guidelines for implementation.

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ER 360-1-1 Public Affairs

Purpose:  This regulation establishes policy, assigns responsibilities and provides direction and guidance for the public affairs program of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

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ER 350-3-3 USACE USMA ROTC Cadet Training Program

Purpose:  To provide a goal-oriented, structured program for the training and professional development of primarily company grade officers in the 21D Area of Concentration (AOC), during their first tour in USACE. This regulation provides guidance in training and selection of …Read More

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ER 350-2-411 Training and Development Program for Hopper and Sidecasting Dredge Cadets

Purpose and Scope:  This regulation establishes a command-wide training and development program for the selection and development of hopper and sidecasting dredge cadets. Engineer Pamphlet 350-2-411 contains all the appendixes referred to in this regulation.

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ER 350-1-420 5-Year IDP and Development Assignments

Purpose: This regulation provides policy requirements and guidance concerning the USACE Five-Year Individual Development Plan (IDP) and all USACE developmental assignments.

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