Category Engineering | – Leader Development for Army Professionals


EP 200-1-15 Environmental Quality Standard Scopes of Work for HTRW Risk Assessments

Purpose: This engineer pamphlet (EP) will give United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) risk assessors the recommended basic/minimum requirements for scopes of work (SOW) to procure Architect-Engineer (A-E) services for preparing human health and ecological risk assessments for Hazardous, …Read More

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EP 200-1-10 Green Building Technology in Hazardous Waste Cleanup Applications

Purpose: This Engineer Pamphlet (EP) identifies Green Building technologies and opportunities at Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste (HTRW) sites and provides guidance to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) personnel and their contractors for use of Green Building technologies at …Read More

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EP 1180-1-1 Service Contract Act Labor Relations

Purpose: This pamphlet is designed to provide basic guidelines for all Corps employees tasked with the administration of Service Contract Act (SCA) responsibilities. Its primary aim is to effect a uniform and consistent program of administration of labor standards responsibilities …Read More

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The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide
Wear it Right! Army Uniform Guide

EP 1165-2-502 Ecosystem Restoration – Supporting Policy Information

Purpose: This pamphlet provides policy information in support of ER 1165-2-501 to guide Corps of Engineers involvement in ecosystem restoration and protection through Civil Works programs and activities.

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EP 1165-2-316 Rules and Regulations Governing Public Use of Corps of Engineers Water Resource Development Projects

FORWARD: The following rules and regulations, published in the Federal Register of February 11, 2000 and amended on May 5, 2000, govern the public use of water resources development projects administered by the Chief of Engineers. Visitors are bound by …Read More

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EP 1165-2-314 Flood Proofing Regulations

FORWARD: The following rules and regulations, published in the Federal Register of February 11, 2000 and amended on May 5, 2000, govern the public use of water resources development projects administered by the Chief of Engineers. Visitors are bound by …Read More

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Get Tabbed - How to Graduated Army Ranger School
Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide

EP 1165-2-1 Digest of Water Resources Policies and Authorities

Purpose: This pamphlet provides a brief summary, in digest form, of the existing administrative and legislative water resources policies and authorities pertinent to the Civil Works activities of the Corps of Engineers.

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EP 1145-2-1 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Program Applicant Information

Introduction: This pamphlet is designed to assist you in applying for a Department of the Army permit from the Corps of Engineers.  The pamphlet is not intended to be a complete description of all aspects of the permit program, but …Read More

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EP 1130-2-551 Hydropower Operations and Maintenance Policy Implementation of Bulk Power System Reliability Compliance Program

Purpose: a. This Engineer Pamphlet (EP) provides policy and guidance to establish and maintain a USACE corporate program for compliance with the applicable Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approved Bulk Power System (BPS) Reliability Compliance Standards.  For the purpose of …Read More

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EP 1130-2-550 Recreation Operations and Maintenance Guidance and Procedures

Purpose: This chapter establishes guidance for the management of recreation programs and activities, and for the operation and maintenance of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) recreation facilities and related structures, at civil works water resource projects and supplements ER …Read More

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EP 1130-2-540 Environmental Stewardship and Maintenance Guidance and Prodcedures

Purpose: This pamphlet establishes guidance for the management of environmental stewardship related operations and maintenance activities at USACE civil works water resource projects and supplements ER 1130-2-540, Environmental Stewardship Operations and Maintenance Policies.

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EP 1130-2-520 Navigation and Dredging Operations and Maintenance Guidance and Procedures

Purpose: This pamphlet establishes the guidance for navigation and dredging operation and maintenance (O&M) activities of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and supplements Engineer Regulation (ER) 1130-2-520. If any conflict exists between this guidance and the Federal Acquisition System, …Read More

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