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EP 690-1-11 02E Maintenance, Trade or Craft Positions

If you’re interested in a maintenance, trade, or craft position:  The Corps of Engineers employs individuals in the maintenance, trade, and craft fields in a wide variety of positions.  Some of those positions include: Lock and Dam Operators, Laborers, Maintenance …Read More

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EP 690-1-11 02D Clerical or Secretarial Employment

Clerical or Secretarial Employment.  Looking for an interesting, diversified clerical, secretarial or administrative support position?  There is a continuing need for well-qualified and highly competent individuals in almost every area of the Corps of Engineers.  Entry levels for these positions …Read More

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EP 690-1-11 02C Selective Placement for Individuals with Disabilities

Selective Placement for Individuals with Disabilities. Eligibility for selective Placement.  The selective placement program for individuals with disabilities applies to anyone who has a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities: has a record …Read More

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Get Tabbed - How to Graduated Army Ranger School
The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership

EP 690-1-11 02B Veterans Readjustment Appointments

Opportunities for Veterans.  Special appointing authorities for initial appointment to the Federal Service are available for veterans.  The Veterans Readjustment Appointment (VRA) program allows certain eligible Vietnam veterans (those who served any time during the period August 5, 1964 through …Read More

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EP 690-1-11 02 AEmployment with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Every mission ever undertaken by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers began with just one person.  One person committed to being part of a team to get the job done.  If you are that kind of person – a team …Read More

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EP 690-1-11 01 The Spirit of Nation Building

The Spirit of Nation Building.  Yorktown, Vicksburg, Ledo Road.  These milestones in military engineering forged and fortified America’s foundation for freedom and democracy.  The Washington Monument, The Bonneville Dam, Cape Canaveral.  These milestones in civil engineering sparked and solidified America’s …Read More

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Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide
Wear it Right! Army Uniform Tool

EP 500-1-7 Logistics Civil Augmentation Program

Introduction: LOGCAP: A force multiplier for contingency deployments. The U.S. military has traditionally employed civilian contractors in noncombatant roles to augment military resources. The Logistics Civil Augmentation Program (LOGCAP) leverages civilian corporate resources as facility and logistics services support multipliers …Read More

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EP 500-1-2 United States Army Corps of Engineers Support in the Full Spectrum Operations

Purpose: This pamphlet fills a fundamental role in describing FFE as the means for USACE support to full spectrum operations. It is organized in the following four chapters: a. Chapter 1 provides a broad overview of FFE. The text briefly …Read More

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EP 500-1-1 Emergency Employment of Army and Other Resources Civil Emergency Management Program – Procedures

Purpose: This pamphlet prescribes processes and procedures for the management and execution of the Civil Emergency Management (CEM) Program of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) under the authorities of 33 USC 701n (commonly referred to as Public Law …Read More

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EP 5-1-1 Capacity Development International

Purpose: This pamphlet provides general guidance and framework for the planning and implementation of international capacity development (CD) for programs and projects conducted or supported by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).  Engineer Regulation (ER) 5-1-16 (Capacity Development – …Read More

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EP 5-1-5Lessons Learned on Israeli Airbase Program

Foreword: One of the U.S. Army Corps of engineers’ most sensitive and highly visible international construction projects was construction of two fighter airbases in Israel — a project which reflects a national commitment, through Presidential diplomacy, to the establishment of …Read More

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EP 420-1-1 Installation Support Handbook

Purpose: The purpose of this pamphlet is to provide U.S. Army Corps of Engineer, Army Directorate of Engineering and Housing (DEH), and Air Force Base Civil Engineer (BCE) personnel with information that will assist them in providing or receiving installation …Read More

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