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EP 870-1-19 The Corps the Environment and the Upper Mississippi River Basin

Foreword: Few areas of the country have experienced such a variety of environmental challenges as the upper Mississippi River basin. Beginning with the development of towns such as St. Paul and Minneapolis in the middle of the 19th century, people …Read More

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EP 870-1-18 Engineer Memoirs – Major General Hugh J Casey

Foreword: In January 1980, Lieutenant General John W. Morris, then Chief of Engineers, directed the Historical Division to capture the remembrances of the leading military and civilian members of the Corps of Engineers. The resulting Engineer Memoirs series shares the …Read More

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EP 870-1-14 The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Environmental Issues in the Twentieth Century – A Bibliography

Foreword: Few issues are more complex than how to protect life and property without doing permanent and disastrous damage to the environment. In this century, especially in the last 20 or 30 years, the problem has received wide publicity and …Read More

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EP 870-1-13 Financing Water Resources Developmentt a Brief History

FOREWORD: BY any reasonable indicator, the cost of future Civil Works projects exceeds the available Federal financial resources nOW and for the foreseeable future. Consequently, it is essential that we plot a new course for financing Federal water development — …Read More

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EP 870-1-12 Engineer Memoirs Major General William E Potter

FOREWORD: Few retired officers or civilians of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ever set down a summary of their careers with the intention of sharing their acquired knowledge with others. As a result, our organization and the engineering profession …Read More

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EP 870-1-11 Engineer Profiles The District Engineer Interviews with Colonel William Badger

FOREWORD: Over the years the program of the Corps of Engineers has changed significantly.  National goals have changed with the times, and the amount of money and manpower to carry them out has varied as well.  Whatever the mission and …Read More

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Award Quick: Army Award Writing Software
Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide

EP 870-1-10 Shaping Environmental Awareness The United States Army Corps of Engineers Environmental Advisory Board, 1970-1980

FOREWORD: In response to the growing environmental sensitivity which swept the United States in the 1970s, evident in myriad laws, executive orders, and regulations, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers needed to change considerably its way of planning and developing …Read More

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EP 870-1-1 Historical Vignettes – Volume II

FOREWORD: These Historical Vignettes reflect in miniature the United States Army Corps of Engineers’ many contributions to the American nation in peace and war. The wide variety of this collection is a tribute to the scope of Engineer interests and …Read More

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EP 750-1-1 Procedural Pamphlet for Material Maintenance Policies

Foreword: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), through its staff and contractors, provides quality, responsive engineering and construction services to the Army and the Nation.  USACE missions include civil works, military construction, environmental restoration and support to other agencies.  …Read More

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EP 75-1-3 Recovered Chemical Warfare Material RCWM Response Process

Purpose: This pamphlet provides detailed procedures on the process to be used to manage and execute all aspects of Recovered Chemical Warfare Materials (RCWM) response actions.  This document addresses all activities, from investigation through removal, that occur on a RCWM …Read More

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EP 75-1-3 Errata Sheet 1

ERRATA SHEET No. 1 Explosives RECOVERED CHEMICAL WARFARE MATERIEL RESPONSE PROCESS EP 75-1-3 30 November 2004 Pending the next update to EP 75-1-3, the following changes to the document are to be implemented. Wherever this document uses the term Military …Read More

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EP 75-1-2 Munitions and Explosives of Concern MEC Support During Hazardous Toxic and Radioactive Waste HTRW and Construction Activities

Purpose: This pamphlet provides U.S. Army corps of Engineers (USACE) personnel with procedural guidance, technical specifications, personnel and training requirements, and health and safety criteria for Munitions and Explosives of Concern (MEC) support during HTRW and construction activities.

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