Mark Dail | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

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ER 1110-2-109 Hydroelectric Design Center

Purpose: This regulation designates the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers District, Portland, Hydroelectric Design Center (HDC), as the Mandatory Center of Expertise (MCX) for hydroelectric power engineering and design and a Directory of Expertise (DX) for flood control pumping plant …Read More

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ER 1110-2-103 Strong Motion Instrument for Recording Earthquake Motions on Dams

Purpose: This regulation provides requirements and guidance for installation and servicing of strong-motion instruments for recording earthquake motions on Corps of Engineers (CE) dams.

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ER 1110-2-101 Reporting of Evidence of Distress of Civil Works Structures RCS Exempt AR 335-15 Paragraph 5-2e 8

Purpose: This regulation prescribes the responsibilities and procedures for the immediate notification to higher authority of evidence of distress or potential failure of civil works projects.  These procedures apply to projects under construction or in operation.

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Get Tabbed - How to Graduated Army Ranger School
Counsel Quick - Army Counseling Software

ER 1110-2-100 Periodic Inspection and Continuing Evaluation of Completed Civil Works Structures

Purpose: This regulation provides the policy, defines the objectives and responsibilities, and establishes the procedures by which the Corps of Engineers assures the safety, continuing structural integrity, and operational adequacy of its major Civil Works projects.

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ER 1110-2-1 Provisions for Future Hydropower Installation at Corps of Engineers Projects

Purpose: This regulation prescribes procedures for obtaining the Secretary of the Army’s approval to provide minimum facilities for future hydroelectric power development at Corps projects.

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ER 1110-1-8159 Engineering and Design, DrChecks

Purpose: This regulation provides policy and procedures for implementing the Design Review and Checking System (DrChecks).

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Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide

ER 1110-1-8158 Corps-Wide Centers of Expertise Program

Purpose: This regulation defines the policy and process for establishing and maintaining expert designations under the Corps-wide Centers of Expertise (CX) Program. The program provides an inventory of specialized knowledge and skills within the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) …Read More

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ER 1110-1-8157 Geotechnical Data Quality Management for Hazardous Waste Remedial Activities

Purpose: This regulation prescribes Geotechnical Data Quality Management (GDQM) responsibilities and requirements, from initial investigation through closeout at sites contaminated with hazardous, toxic, and radioactive waste. The intent is to assure that a site is sufficiently characterized, and that geotechnical …Read More

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ER 1110-1-8156 Policies Guidance and Requirements for Geospatial Data and Systems

Purpose: a. This regulation prescribes the policy for the acquisition and management of nontactical geospatial data throughout the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and prescribes policy to comply with Executive Order (EO) 12906, Coordinating Geographic Data Acquisition and Access: …Read More

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ER 1110-1-8155 Specifications

Purpose: This regulation prescribes specifications policy and requirements for both Civil Works and Military Construction, incorporates Total Army Quality principles and the Project Management Business Process, Process, implements MIL-STD-3007, “Standard Practice for Unified Facilities Criteria and Unified Facilities Guide Specifications,” …Read More

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ER 1110-1-8153 Military Munitions Support Services

Purpose. This regulation establishes responsibilities for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) elements providing Military Munitions Support Services (M2S2)(also referred to as M2S2).

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ER 1110-1-8153 Errata Sheet 1

Errata Sheet No. 1 Engineering and Design MILITARY MUNITIONS SUPPORT SERVICES ER 1110-1-8153 30 June 2010 Until the next revision of ER 1110-1-8153 is completed, revised text, underlined below, is provided for immediate use and reference: Bottom of page 1 …Read More

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