Mark Dail | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

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GTA 41-01-010 Civil Affairs Protection Considerations Guide

This GTA establishes the framework and context for CA Soldiers to apply protection measures throughout the conduct of Civil Affairs operations (CAO). It will identify measures to assist in planning and execution of missions as well as attempt to enhance …Read More

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GTA 41-01-008 Civil Affairs Negotiations and Mediation Guide

This is a 68-page GTA covering The Changing Nature of the Threat, The Skill of Negotiation, Cross-Cultural Negotiations, Mediation, and Adaptive Thinking and Leadership Concepts, with Acronyms and Recommended Sources. NOTE: This document is in PDF format

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GTA 41-01-006 Working with the Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance

This guide is intended to assist working with the office of U. S. Foreign Disaster Assistance. Topics covered are as followed: Why Provide Humanitarian Assistance?; OFDA’s Mandate and Special Authorities; How is OFDA Organized?; To What Disasters Does OFDA Respond?; …Read More

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The comprehensive guide to the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP)
Wear it Right! Army Uniform Guide

GTA 41-01-004 Joint Civil Affairs Operations and Joint Civil-Military Operations Planning Guide

This 116-page GTA is intended to assist Civil Affairs Soldiers and civil-military operations staffs working in a joint environment. It will assist the user in integrating CMO considerations into a joint staff planning product in full spectrum operations. NOTE: This …Read More

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GTA 41-01-003 Civil Affairs Foreign Humanitarian Assistance Planning Guide

This GTA is intended to assist Civil Affairs Soldiers and civil-military operations staffs as they plan and conduct foreign humanitarian assistance in support of the military commander, and interagency and multinational forces throughout the scope of operations. NOTE: This document …Read More

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GTA 41-01-002 Civil Affairs Arts, Monuments, and Archives Guide

This GTA assists Civil Affairs Soldiers and civil-military operations staff conducting CA activities supporting military commanders of interagency and Soldier concerned with or placed in a situation where he is responsible for the protection, preservation, restoration, rehabilitation, or restitution of …Read More

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Military Writing: A Guide for Writing Counseling, Evaluations, Memos, Letters and more
The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide

GTA 41-01-001 Civil Affairs General Concepts

This GTA is laid out as a 16-pg fold. This GTA covers: Civil Affairs Mission and Function; Concept of Employment; Core Tasks; Populace and Resources Control; Foreign Humanitarian Assistance; Nation Assistance; Support to Civil Administration; Civil Information Management; Civil Affairs …Read More

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GTA 33-01-001 Psychological Operations Leaders Planning Guide – Historical Copy Superseded on 04/01/2014

This GTA is an indispensable reference tool for tactical Psychological Operations (PSYOP) Soldiers assigned to leadership positions. It contains valuable, comprehensive, and time saving information in a concise format, making it easily transportable and simple to use. The focus of …Read More

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GTA 31-70-001 Special Forces Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape Communications Techniques

The one page provides the Code of Conduct. The other page of the GTA depicts the Prisoner of War Tap Code and the Prisoner of War Hand Language as a discreet means of communication. NOTE: This document is in PDF …Read More

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GTA 31-02-003 Special Forces Dive Operations

This GTA is a 24 page flipbook. It includes: No-Decompression Limits and Residual Nitrogen Timetable for Shallow Water, No-Decompression Limits and Residual Nitrogen Timetables for Air Dives, Emergency Assistance Checklist, Environmental Checklist, Water Temperature Protection Chart, Diving Safety and Planning …Read More

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GTA 27-01-006 Army Rules for Imposing Nonjudicial Punishment Within the Reserve Component (ARTICLE 15, UCMJ)

This GTA is a booklet, 9 pages, that will aid officers in the Reserve Component, as a quick reference for imposing non-judicial punishment and proceedings. It details purposes of nonjudicial punishment, who may impose them, upon whom it may be …Read More

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GTA 27-01-005 Army Rules for Imposing Nonjudicial Punishment for Minor Offenses (ARTICLE 15, UCMJ)

This GTA is a pamphlet intended for use in training officers in the rules for imposing non-judicial punishment and as a reference for conducting non-judicial punishment proceedings. It also shows the Maximum Authorized Punishments for Formal Proceedings – Enlisted Personnel, …Read More

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