Mark Dail | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

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AR 12-15 Joint Security Assistance Training

This joint regulation prescribes policies, procedures, and responsibilities for training foreign personnel It applies to the entire security assistance training process-from congressional and State Department authorization, through the country’s identification of its training needs, through the programming and financial management …Read More

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AR 12-15 Joint Security Cooperation Education and Training

This regulation revises several regulations that cover the education and training of foreign personnel. It prescribes policies, responsibilities, procedures, and administration for the education and training of international military students. It deals specifically with training under the International Military Education …Read More

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AR 12-12 Processing Discrepancy Reports Against Foreign Military Sales Shipments.

This regulation establishes the policy and procedures prescribing the methods and conditions under which discrepancies in Foreign Military Sales shipments are processed. It provides for the basic documents required to support adjustment of property and financial inventory accounting records, notification …Read More

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Military Writing: A Guide for Writing Counseling, Evaluations, Memos, Letters and more
Get Tabbed - How to Graduated Army Ranger School

AR 12-1 Security Assistance, Training, and Export Policy

This regulation provides policy for the management and execution of Army security assistance and international logistics support programs. It furnishes policy guidance on foreign military financing, international military education and training, and foreign military sales programs.

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AR 11-7 Army Internal Review Program

This regulation contains policies for establishing and operating an internal review activity within an Army organization.

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AR 11-6 Army Foreign Language Program

This regulation describes the Army Foreign Language Program. It establishes policies and procedures for the management of Army linguists. It establishes responsibilities within the Army Foreign Language Program, delineates minimum language training and language proficiency standards, and establishes associated language …Read More

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Army Uniform Tool
Army Counseling Software - Include over 250 Army Counseling Examples

AR 11-37 Army Finance and Accounting Quality Assurance Program

This regulation prescribes policies, responsibilities, procedures, and reporting requirements of the Army Finance and Accounting Quality Assurance (QA) Program. It establishes guidelines for implementation of the program at all Army levels. Historical Copy.

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AR 11-35 Deployment Occupational and Environmental Health Risk Management

This regulation covers the policies, responsibilities, and procedures for managing risks associated with occupational and environmental health threats during deployments.

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AR 11-34 The Army Respiratory Protection Program

This regulation prescribes responsibilities, policies, and the essential elements to establish, execute, and maintain the Army Respiratory Protection Program.

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AR 11-33 Army Lessons Learned Program (ALLP)

This regulation establishes policy, procedures, and responsibilities for Army wide management of the Army Lessons Learned Program.

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AR 11-32 Army Long-Range Planning System

This regulation prescribes policy, responsibilities, and procedures concerning the Army Long-Range Planning System. It provides for Total Army involvement in the long-range planning process and establishes linkages between long-range goals, mid-term objectives, and the programming process.

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AR 11-31 Army Security Cooperation Policy

This regulation explains how the Army develops capabilities and allocates resources in support of the Department of Defense security cooperation (SC). SC is all interactions with foreign defense and security establishments that build allied and friendly military capabilities for self-defense …Read More

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