Mark Dail | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

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AR 614-100 Officer Assignment Policies, Details, and Transfers

This regulation: a.  Establishes policies and procedures for the reassignment of  commissioned and warrant officers between commands or units of the Army. Procedures are established for processing requests for reassignment and restrictions are imposed on permanent changes of station of …Read More

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AR 614-10 Army Personnel Exchange Program with Military Services of Other Nations

This regulation sets policies, procedures, and responsibilities for conducting the Army military personnel exchange program. It applies to all Army units, commands, and personnel that manage, support, or participate in the program. It does not apply to other exchange programs …Read More

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AR 614-1 The U. S. Army Replacement System

This regulation provides a description of the U.S. Army Replacement System and the responsibilities for the various parts of that system. Local limited supplementation of this permitted but is not required. If supplements are issued, Army Staff agencies and major …Read More

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Master Army Promotions Boards - App for iOS
Army Counseling Software - Include over 250 Army Counseling Examples

AR 612-205 Appointment and Separation of Service Academy Attendees

This regulation contains procedures for processing and strength accounting of US Army members appointed as cadets or midshipmen at the US Military, Naval, Air Force, or Coast Guard Academies and civilian personnel appointed as cadets at the US Military Academy. …Read More

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AR 612-201 Initial Entry/ Prior Service Trainee Support

This regulation prescribes the trainee and student processing functions of the Military Personnel System and is linked to AR 600-8. It provides principles of support, standards of service, tasks, rules, and steps governing all work required in the field to …Read More

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AR 611-85 Aviation Warrant Officer Training

This regulation: a. Solicits applications from enlisted personnel who are qualified for the Aviation Warrant Officer Training Program. b. Prescribes responsibilities and procedures for selecting applicants for the AWOT Program. Historical Copy.

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Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide
Wear it Right! Army Uniform Tool

AR 611-75 Management of Army Divers

This regulation sets forth the policies and procedures for the selection, qualification, rating, and revocation of rating of Army divers.

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AR 611-60 Assignment of Army Personnel to the Defense Attaché System

This regulation prescribes selection criteria for assignment of Active Army personnel to the Defense Attaché System and selection criteria for assignment of Army Reserve Component personnel to DAS drilling individual mobilization augmentee positions. It specifies the responsibilities of headquarters, agencies, …Read More

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AR 611-5 Personnel and Classification Testing

This regulation prescribes policies, responsibilities, and procedures for procurement, safeguarding, scoring, release of Army personnel tests, and overall administration of the Army Personnel Testing Program.

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AR 611-3 Army Occupational Survey Program

This regulation provides policy guidance, administrative procedures, and responsibilities for operation of the Army Occupational Survey Program, Requirement Control Symbol, and the Comprehensive Occupational Data Analysis Programs. Historical Copy.

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AR 611-110 Selection and Training of Army Aviation Officers

This regulation sets policies and procedures for selecting officers, cadets, and officer candidates for training leading to the award of an aeronautical rating of Army aviator.

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AR 611-105 Selection, Processing, and Training of Officer Volunteers for Explosive Ordnance Disposal Duty

This regulation sets policies and procedures for the procurement, selection, training, assignment, and classification of officers who volunteer for explosive ordnance disposal duty.

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