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AR 70-75 Survivability of Army Personnel and Materiel

This regulation implements survivability as outlined in DODI 5000.2 and the Interim Defense Acquisition Guidebook within the Army. It prescribes combat survivability policies, responsibilities, and procedures for the sustainment of operational effectiveness and warfighting capability through the life cycle of …Read More

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AR 70-74 Independent Research and Development

This regulation establishes policies and assigns responsibilities for the following: a. Army participation in Department of Defense tri–service activities associated with evaluating contractor independent research and development programs and negotiating advance agreements for recovery of IR&D costs. b. Coordination of …Read More

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AR 70-63 DOD In-House RDTE Annual Activities Report

This joint regulation prescribes responsibilities and guidance for the preparation of the DOD In-House RDTE Annual Activities Report. Because of the report’s credibility, wide use, and value to laboratory management, great care must be taken in preparing and submitting accurate …Read More

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The comprehensive guide to the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP)
Army Counseling Software - Include over 250 Army Counseling Examples

AR 70-62 Airworthiness Qualification of Aircraft Systems

This regulation prescribes the policies, responsibilities, processes and/or procedures for airworthiness qualification and system specification compliance of manned and unmanned aircraft systems and subsystems, including the installation of allied equipment and modifications to Army aircraft, and in flight operation of …Read More

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AR 70-6 Management of the Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation, Army Appropriation

This regulation prescribes policies and procedures for the financial management of the Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation, Army Appropriation. It implements the policies and uses of the RDTE,A appropriation. It contains the policy and procedures for use in RDTE,A reprogramming and Total …Read More

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AR 70-57 Military-Civilian Technology Transfer

This regulation prescribes Department of the Army policies and responsibilities for technology transfer with the domestic civilian sector. Specifically, it provides policies and operational guide lines for entering into cooperative research and development agreements, for the licensing of intellectual property, …Read More

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Master Army Promotions Boards - App for iOS
Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide

AR 70-5 Grants to Nonprofit Organizations for Support of Scientific Research

This regulation authorizes and prescribes procedures for making of grants for support of scientific research in furtherance of the objectives of the Department of the Army. It also implements the uniform administrative requirements set forth in the Office of Management …Read More

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AR 70-47 Engineering for Transportability Program

This regulation sets policy for the Engineering for Transportability Program, requirements for transportability assessment, and approvals for transportability problem items. TPIs are materiel in its shipping configuration which, because of its size, weight, fragile, or hazardous characteristics or lack of …Read More

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AR 70-45 Scientific and Technical Information Program

This regulation: a. Establishes policies and assigns responsibilities for the Army’s Scientific and Technical Information Program. b. Prescribes procedures for preparation of an annually updated 5-year STIP Plan. This plan will he submitted by commanders of major Army commands and …Read More

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AR 70-43 Space Test Program (STP) Management

The Space Test Program is a Department of Defense activity under executive management of the Air Force, created to provide spaceflights for DOD experiments not authorized their own means of spaceflight. This regulation prescribes the policies, procedures, and responsibilities for …Read More

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AR 70-41 International Cooperative Research, Development, and Acquisition

This regulation establishes Department of the Army policy on cooperative research, development, and acquisition between the United States and other nations and prescribes responsibilities for managing and implementing Army participation in international cooperative research, development, and acquisition programs and for …Read More

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AR 70-38 Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation of Material for Extreme Climatic Conditions

This regulation prescribes policies, responsibilities, and planning guidance for realistic consideration of climatic conditions in the research, development, test, and evaluation of material used in combat by the Army. The principal classes of materiel used in combat are: a. Mechanical …Read More

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