Mark Dail | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

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AR 95-11 Military Flight Data Telecommunications System

This manual explains how to process flight data through Department of Defense and Federal Aviation Administration telecommunications system. CLICK TO DOWNLOAD

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AR 95-1 Flight Regulations

This regulation establishes policy and procedures for Army aircraft operations, flight rules, crew requirements, and general aviation provisions. It defines aircrew training and equipment requirements, standardization programs, and management of aviation resources. Also, this regulation covers procedures for safety of …Read More

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AR 930-5 American National Red Cross Service Program and Army Utilization

This regulation provides information concerning the mission and operations of the American National Red Cross (hereafter referred to as the Red Cross), states the objectives and policies of the Department of the Army with respect to the cooperation with and …Read More

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Get Tabbed - How to Graduated Army Ranger School
Wear it Right! Army Uniform Guide

AR 930-4 Army Emergency Relief

This regulation: a. Prescribes requirements, procedures, and responsibilities for administering, operating, and approving Army Emergency Relief assistance. b. It also states programs and policies for Army Emergency Relief assistance to eligible Army Soldiers and their authorized dependents. c. The portions …Read More

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AR 930-1 Army Use of United Service Organizations, Inc., Services

This regulation provides information on the mission and operation of the United Service Organizations, Inc.. It states the Army’s responsibilities and policies regarding the cooperation and service the USO provides to the Army. It also implements DODD 1330.12. The USO …Read More

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AR 900-1 Army Space Activities Department of the Army Space Policy

This regulation prescribes policy, establishes objectives, and assigns responsibility for space related planning and programming, combat development, and materiel development. It assigns responsibilities and membership to the Army Space Council. Space is a critical enabler of land force operations today …Read More

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The comprehensive guide to the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP)
The Evaluator - Army Evaluation & Counseling Guide

AR 870-5 Military History: Responsibilities, Policies, and Procedures

This regulation outlines the general responsibilities, policies, and procedures for the preparation and use of military history in the Army.

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AR 870-20 Army Museums, Historical Artifacts, and Art

This regulation prescribes policies, procedures, and assigns responsibilities for governing the collection, preservation, storage, accountability, demilitarization, and valuation of historical artifacts and art used for training, research and development, and interpretation of the Army’s military and cultural heritage. Also, it …Read More

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AR 840-10 Flags, Guidons, Streamers, Tabards, and Automobile and Aircraft Plates

This regulation prescribes the design, acquisition, display, disposition, and use of flags, guidons, streamers, automobile and aircraft plates, and tabards by Department of the Army organizations and personnel. It is the authority for these items and their basis of issue. …Read More

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AR 840-1 Department of the Army Seal, and Department of the Army Emblem and Branch of Service Plaques

This regulation prescribes general policies, responsibilities, descriptions, and procedures governing the Department of the Army seal, emblem, and Branch of Service plaques.

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This regulation delineates the explosive ordnance disposal responsibilities of the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, and Air Force. The EOD mission is to provide the capability to neutralize hazards from EOD incidents which, because of unusual circumstances, present a threat to …Read More

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AR 75-1 Malfunctions Involving Ammunition and Explosives

This regulation prescribes policies and procedures for reporting malfunctions of ammunition and explosives and for conducting subsequent Department of the Army investigations. This regulation covers standard items when used with developmental or experimental ammunition (for example, a charge used to …Read More

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