Mark Dail | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

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Here is a list of every post written by Mark Dail

Equipment Clipart

Miscellaneous Equipment clipart. NOTE: This document is in MS PowerPoint CLICK TO DOWNLOAD

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Accident Causation

Class / briefing that discusses how accidents happened. Prepared by the Army Safety Center. Slide Titles include: Industrial Revolution, Domino Theory, Heinrich’s  Theorems, Heinrich’s  Theory, Modern Causation Model, Examples, System Defects, Safety Program Defect, Safety Management Error, Near Miss Relationship, …Read More

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Tactical Operations Center Battle Rhythm

Battle Rhythm for operations chart listing what action is taken and when it is taken. NOTE: This document is in MS Word format

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Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide
Get Tabbed - How to Graduated Army Ranger School

Tactical Operations Center Command and Support Relationships

Command and support relationships chart in a tactical operations center NOTE: This document is in MS Word format

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Eight Step Training Model

Class/briefing on the 8 step training model.  Useful tool in planning training, provides questions and steps to ensure quality training. NOTE: This document is in MS PowerPoint

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Tactical Operations Center Shift Change Slides

A group of charts, lists and worksheets to be use by the tactical operations center personnel. NOTE: This document is in MS PowerPoint

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Get Tabbed - How to Graduated Army Ranger School
The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide

Changes Posted

Blank changes posted list. NOTE: This document is in MS Word format

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Battalion Mission Essential Task List

Explains the procedures for making, maintaining and reasons for a mission essential task list. NOTE: This document is in MS Word format

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Tactical Operations Center Journal Procedures

Procedures for making and keeping a tactical operations center journal. NOTE: This document is in MS Word format

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Example Battalion Standard Operating Procedures

Memo in regards to the Battalion standard operating procedures (SOP), explaining where to locate a copy of the SOP, circumstances not directly covered by the SOP, SOP conflicts with procedures or policies of higher authority agencies, requested changes to the SOP …Read More

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Military Decision Making Process Order Breif Format

Military decision making process, Explains the format of an orders brief. NOTE: This document is in MS Word format

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Military Decision Making Process Duties and Responsibilities Orders Brief Chart

Military decision making process contains the names of the duties and responsibilities orders brief charts. NOTE: This document is in MS Word format

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