Mark Dail | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

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Here is a list of every post written by Mark Dail

Training for Federal Credit Card Holders Class/Briefing

Class/briefing contains 43 Slides. Topics include: affirmative procurement, benefits of buying recycled products, definitions, resource conservation, exceptions, construction products, landscape products, non paper office products, paper products, park and recreation, transportation, vehicle, miscellaneous products, and more. NOTE: This document is …Read More

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Warrior Leader Course Management Plan Active Component

This course management plan is for The Army Training System Warrior Leader Course (TATS-WLC) active component (AC) and The Army School System (TASS) schools using the modified (MOD) Program of Instruction (POI).  The course contains lesson including: In processing, APFT, …Read More

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Recuritment Class/Briefing

Class/briefing that teaches the basics of recruitment. Basic topics covered include: Introduction to recruitment, Reality of the military, State of JROTC and Cadet Corps in CPS, What is Counter Recruitment, What are the issues, Background of the Opt-Out form, What …Read More

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The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership
The Evaluator - Army Evaluation & Counseling Guide

Counter Mine Procedures Class/Briefing

Class/briefing that contains 30 Slides. The purpose of it is to increase individual soldier understanding of the mine and unexploded ordnance (UXO) threat in the former Yugoslavia, and to develop counter mine skills in order to protect the force during Stability …Read More

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PLDC Counseling Class/Briefing

This class/briefing is designed to teach counseling procedures. While it is dated much of the information is still valuable.  Slides include: approaches, reasons for counseling, NCOER counselings and how to prepare for the counseling session. NOTES: Some references listed in …Read More

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Counseling Overview Class/Briefing

A class/briefing that discusses counseling  including: Subordinate centered counseling, strategies, The counseling session, purpose of counseling, and the process of counseling. NOTE: This document is in MS PowerPoint

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Army Counseling Software - Include over 250 Army Counseling Examples
The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership

Counseling Military Personnel Class/Briefing

Class/briefing covers the following areas: Definition of Counseling, 3 phase process, mandatory, leader skills, how is counseling valuable to a leader, counseling should accomplish objectives, sources of power, approach to counseling, basic skills, 5 types of counseling, reactions and pitfalls, …Read More

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Counseling Leadership Doctrine Class/Briefing

This class/briefing is based in the 1999 leadership doctrine but much of it remains valuable. Slides include: reasons for counseling, leader as a counselor, subordinate centered communication, common counseling mistakes, counseling cycle, catergories of counseling, approaches to counseling, preparation for, …Read More

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Counsel Subordinates Training Support Package Slides

This class/briefing contains a slide show to teach Counsel Subordinates. The slides include: Leader development responsibilities, mentorship, elements of mentorship, counseling, subordinate centered approach, leader as counselor approach, reason for counseling, approaches to counseling, counseling cycle, categories of counseling, common …Read More

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Counsel Subordinates Training Support Package Lesson Plan

This class/briefing contains a lesson plan to teach Counsel Subordinates. The slides include: Leader development responsibilities, mentorship, elements of mentorship, counseling, subordinate centered approach, leader as counselor approach, reason for counseling, approaches to counseling, counseling cycle, categories of counseling, common …Read More

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Convoy Surviveability Slide Pack 6 Class/Briefing

Class/briefing that teaches how To conduct tactical convoy operations in a Contemporary Operating Environment. NOTE: This document is in MS PowerPoint

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Convoy Surviveability Slide Pack 5 Class/Briefing

Class/briefing that teaches how To conduct tactical convoy operations in a Contemporary Operating Environment. NOTE: This document is in MS PowerPoint

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