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ATP 3-39.33 Civil Disturbances – Supersedes FM 3-19.15 Civil Disturbance Operations

ATP 3-39.33 provides discussion and techniques about civil disturbances and crowd control operations that occur in the continental United States (CONUS) and out side the continental United States (OCONUS). U.S. forces deploy in support of unified action, overseas contingency operations, …Read More

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ATP 3-39.12 Law Enforcement Investigations supersedes FM 3-19.13 Law Enforcement Investigations and FM 19-25 Military Police Traffic Operations

ATP 3-39.12 is intended as a guide and toolkit for military police investigators, USACIDC special agents (SAs), and military police Soldiers conducting law enforcement (LE) and LE investigations. It also serves to educate military police commanders and staff on LE …Read More

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ATP 3-11.37 Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Reconnaissance and Surveillance – Supersedes FM 3-11.19 Multiservice Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures For Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical

This publication is to provide a standardized reference for use by all Services while conducting CBRN R&S. It serves as a basis for developing Service-specific manuals and tactical-level SOPs, refining existing Service training products, informing training center and unit exercises, …Read More

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Wear it Right! Army Uniform Guide
Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide

TC 3-09.31 Fire Support Training for the Brigade Combat Team Commander Supersedes (Formally FM 6-71) Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Fire Support for the Combined Arms Commander

This TC describes fire support training for the brigade combat team (BCT) commander. The TC is not all inclusive but is intended as a quick study “smart book” for the BCT commander to use in developing his own strategy for …Read More

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ATP 3-09.24 Techniques for the Fires Brigade – Supersedes FM 3-09.22 (Formally FM 6-20-2) Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Corps Artillery, Division Artillery, and Field Artillery Brigade Operations

This manual describes the fires brigade (FIB) in support of division, corps, or other supported headquarters operations in unified land operations. It discusses the FIB organizational framework. It describes FIB mission command and communications. It also describes the FIB operations …Read More

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FM 3-22 Army Support to Security Cooperation

FM 3-22 explains how Army forces conduct security cooperation, from theater army through brigade level, including support from Headquarters, Department of the Army, functional Army Service component commands, major commands, and direct reporting units. The brigade and any additional augmentation required …Read More

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Get Tabbed - How to Graduated Army Ranger School
Get Tabbed - How to Graduated Army Ranger School

ATTP 3-06.11 Combined Arms Operations in Urban Terrain – Supersedes FM 3-06.11 (Previously FM 90-10-1) Combined Arms Operations in Urban Terrain

ATTP 3-06.11 establishes doctrine for combined arms operations in urban terrain for the brigade combat team (BCT) and battalion/squadron commanders and staffs, company/troop commanders, small-unit leaders, and individual Soldiers. The urban environment, consisting of complex terrain, dense populations, and integrated …Read More

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ATP 3-04.94 Army Techniques Publication for Forward Arming and Refueling Points

This Army techniques publication describes forward arming and refueling point (FARP) operations for aviation units. It provides aviation commanders, staff elements, aviation support battalions (ASBs), and forward support company (FSC) personnel with a comprehensive overview of the purpose, organization, and …Read More

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ADP 3-0 Unified Land Operations

ADP 3-0 presents overarching doctrinal guidance and direction for conducting operations. It constitutes the Army’s view of how it conducts prompt and sustained operations on land and sets the foundation for developing the other principles, tactics, techniques, and procedures detailed …Read More

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TM 3-34.22 – Military Nonstandard Fixed Bridging (Supersedes FM 3-34.343)

This manual provides essential technical information on nonstandard fixed bridges for engineer staff officers. It is the doctrinal source of information for the US Army on the NATO Bridge and Vehicle Classification System. This manual also provides various methods for …Read More

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AR 95-30 Participation in a Military or Civil Aircraft Accident Safety Investigation

This instruction provides for military participation in certain NTSB aircraft mishap investigations, NTSB or FAA participation in certain military aircraft mishap investigations, and the release of certain military aircraft mishap safety investigation information to the NTSB and the FAA. It …Read More

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AR 95-20 Contractor’s Flight and Ground Operations

This Instruction establishes requirements for flight and ground operations involving all contracted work performed on aircraft where this Instruction is incorporated as a contract requirement, as well as procedures to be followed by Government Flight Representatives. It also establishes policy …Read More

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