Mark Dail | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

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FM 3-25.26 Map Reading and Land Navigation without Change 1 – Historical Copy superseded by TC 3-25.26 Map Reading and Land Navigation

The field manual provides a standardized source document for Armywide reference on map reading and land navigation. It applies to every Soldier in the Army regardless of service branch, MOS, or rank. It also contains both doctrine and training guidance …Read More

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FM 3-24.2 Tactics in Counterinsurgency (Formally FM 7-98 (Formally FM 90-8))

This field manual establishes doctrine for tactical counterinsurgency (COIN) operations at the company, battalion, and brigade level. It is based on lessons learned from historic counterinsurgencies and current operations. This manual continues the efforts of FM 3-24, Counterinsurgency, in combining …Read More

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FM 3-24 Counterinsurgency Change 1

This is only Change 1 to FM 3-24. It is not the complete FM. NOTE: FM 3-24 is a joint publication and is also : MCWP 3-33.5 : Includes Change 1 of 13 May 2014 Download Only Change 1 to …Read More

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Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide
The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide

FM 3-24 Counterinsurgency

This FM provides doctrine for units that are countering an insurgency. It provides a doctrinal foundation for counterinsurgency. It is a guide for units fighting or training for counterinsurgency operations. The principal audience it is battalion, brigade, and regimental commanders …Read More

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FM 3-23.35 Combat Training with Pistols, M9 and M11 Change 4 Only

This is only Change 4 to FM 3-23.35. It is not the complete FM. NOTE: FM 3-23.35 was formally FM 23-35 Download Only Change 4 to FM 3-23.35 Click Below: Download Only Change 1 to FM 3-23.35 Click Below: Download …Read More

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FM 3-23.35 Combat Training with Pistols, M9 and M11 Change 3 Only

This is only Change 3 to FM 3-23.35. It is not the complete FM. NOTE: FM 3-23.35 was formally FM 23-35 Download Only Change 3 to FM 3-23.35 Click Below: Download Only Change 1 to FM 3-23.35 Click Below: Download …Read More

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Army Counseling Software - Include over 250 Army Counseling Examples
The Evaluator - Army Evaluation & Counseling Guide

FM 3-23.35 Combat Training with Pistols, M9 and M11 Change 2 Only

This is only Change 2 to FM 3-23.35. It is not the complete FM. NOTE: FM 3-23.35 was formally FM 23-35 Download Only Change 2 to FM 3-23.35 Click Below: Download Only Change 1 to FM 3-23.35 Click Below: Download …Read More

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FM 3-23.35 Combat Training with Pistols, M9 and M11 Change 1 Only

This is Only Change 1 to FM 3-23.35. It is not the complete FM. NOTE: FM 3-23.35 was formally FM 23-35 Download Only Change 1 to FM 3-23.35 Click Below: Download Only Change 2 to FM 3-23.35 Click Below: Download …Read More

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FM 3-23.35 Combat Training with Pistols, M9 and M11 (Includes Changes 1 thru 4)

This manual provides guidance on the operation and marksmanship of the M9, 9-mm pistol and the M11, 9-mm pistol. It reflects current Army standards in weapons qualification. It is a guide for the instructor to develop training programs, plans, and …Read More

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TC 3-23.30 Grenades and Pyrotechnic Signals – Supersedes FM 3-23.30 Grenades and Pyrotechnic Signals

This manual is to orient Soldiers to the functions and descriptions of hand grenades and pyrotechnic signals. It also provides a guide for the proper handling and throwing of hand grenades and pyrotechnic signals, suggests methods and techniques for the …Read More

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FM 3-22.91 Mortar Fire Direction Procedures

This manual provides guidance for military occupational specialty (MOS) 11C Soldiers and their trainers on the employment of the 60-mm mortars (M224), 81-mm mortar (M252), and 120-mm mortar (M120). It discusses the practical applications of ballistics and a system combining …Read More

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FM 3-22.90 Mortars

This publication prescribes guidance for leaders and crewmen of mortar squads. It concerns mortar crew training, and it is used with the applicable technical manuals and Army Training and Evaluation Programs (ARTEPs). It presents practical solutions to assist in the …Read More

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