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3 Elements of Adultery under Article 134

Adultery is a crime punishable under Article 134, UCMJ.  There are three elements that must be met to prove adultery existed.

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Can information from Social Media be used for UCMJ actions?

I have a Soldier who called in sick this morning due to food poisioning. He ate sushi the other night and got sick. The other night was also his birthday. Which means everyone assumes he was drinking. Now this morning his wife posted a comment about him being hung over. I cannot find the comment anywhere on his or his wife's pages. Our PSG wants to put him in for an article 15 and demote him. The PSG thinks he is lying and is going to investigate. I believe my Soldier and want to give him the benefit of the doubt. Now since it was not him that posted this alleged comment, can they use that against him?.. Read the Answer»

Can a Soldier be sent on training rotation if they are pending UCMJ or chapter actions?

Can a Soldier be sent on a training rotation like NTC if they came up hot and will be chaptered?.. Read the Answer»

Get Tabbed - How to Graduated Army Ranger School
Get Tabbed - How to Graduated Army Ranger School

Can I be separated for a DUI?

Can they kick me out of the Army for one DUI?.. Read the Answer»

Can a Soldier have multiple UCMJ actions pending at the same time?

Can I receive two Article 15's at the same time?.. Read the Answer»

Is my military career over if I have a positive UA?

I used illegal drugs once and failed the urine analysis test–is my Army career over?.. Read the Answer»

Award Quick: Army Award Writing Software
The Evaluator - Army Evaluation & Counseling Guide

Who gets to live in base housing when a dual military couple separates?

If two Soldiers are married, live in post housing, and cannot get along who has to leave post housing?.. Read the Answer»

Can a Soldier volunteer for separation due to not having a valid Family Care Plan?

Can I receive a voluntary chapter for failure to obtain a family care plan?.. Read the Answer»

Can I move in with a Soldier who is going through a divorce?

If I live in the barrack can I move in with a Soldier who lives on post and is pending a divorce?.. Read the Answer»

Can a Soldier be separated if they relapse after completing ASAP?

Can they throw me out of the Army if I complete ASAP training and then relaspe?.. Read the Answer»

Can I receive UCMJ for not completing corrective training?

Can my squad leader recommend UCMJ if I did not complete corrective training to standard?.. Read the Answer»

Can a Soldier be forced to reveal financial information?

If a Soldier is having financial difficulty can he refuse to provide financial information to his squad leader to help develop a plan of action?.. Read the Answer»