Becky Pillsbury | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

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Cooking for your Soldier

Growing up as an only child, my mother never asked me to cook, thus I never learned how. After I married, cooking became a requirement, especially as I was looking for a teaching job and my husband, Jim, was a …Read More

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Cannonball Loaves a.k.a. Hidden dangers of PCS moves

Moving. That one word can set fear into anyone who has done it once, twice, or 20 times like most military families have. Knowing you only have six months before the truck arrives to pack up everything you own is …Read More

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Three smart methods to encourage your guests to RSVP

Don’t you hate it when you have to take the little bit of free time you have, usually late at night when everyone else in the house is asleep, to prepare 60 invitations to the coffee that it is your …Read More

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Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide
Wear it Right! Army Uniform Tool