Where do I place my oak leaf clusters on the suspension ribbon of my full sized medal? | AskTOP.net – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Where do I place my oak leaf clusters on the suspension ribbon of my full sized medal?

Where do I place the oak leaf cluster on my full size medal?

Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide

The answer to your question can be found in DA PAM 670-1. Please see the reference below:

22–11. Appurtenances

The following appurtenances may be worn on decorations, medals, ribbons, and other awards, when authorized by the
proper authority.

Oak Leaf Clusters.
(1) See AR 670–1 for wear policy.
(2) The silver oak leaf cluster is worn to the wearer’s right of a bronze oak leaf cluster and to the left of the “V” device. Oak leaf clusters, 5/16 inch in length, are worn on service ribbons, the suspension ribbon of miniature medals, and unit awards. Oak leaf clusters, 13/32 inch in length, are worn on the suspension ribbon of full-size medals. Oak leaf clusters 5/16 inch in length, joined together in series of two, three, and four clusters, are authorized for optional purchase and wear on service ribbons and unit award emblems. Personnel wear oak leaf clusters centered on the service ribbon and suspension ribbon, with the stems of the leaves pointing to the wearer’s right. If four oak leaf clusters are worn on the suspension ribbon on either full-size or miniature medals, the fourth one is placed above the middle one in the row of three. No more than four oak leaf clusters can be worn side-by-side on service ribbons.

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Mark is a Retired Command Sergeant Major with 26 years of military leadership experience. He held 3 military occupational specialties (Field Artillery, Nuclear Weapons Tech, and Ammunition Ordnance). Mark is one of the leading military authors in the fields of leadership, counseling, and training.

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  • Joe Daniel


    I I were authorized 9 oak leaf clusters on a particular ribbon, I would wear one silver and three bronze clusters on the first ribbon and need a second ribbon for the ninth cluster. On the second ribbon, would I wear just the ribbon or a ribbon with one bronze cluster?

    Thank you.

    Joe D.

    • Mark Gerecht


      Are you saying you have 10 awards total? if so you would were 2 Silver oakleafs on one ribbon. if you have 9 total awards. The first ribbon would be a sliver oakleaf with 3 oakleafs. Silver denoting 5, the 3 oakleafs denoting a 3 additional awards for a total of 8 and the ribbon counts as the first award for a total of 9. Did I misunderstand your question? Here is a reference from DA PAM 670-1.

      para 20-11a. Oak Leaf Clusters. A bronze or silver twig of four oak leaves with three acorns on the stem. Personnel wear oak leaf clusters centered on the service ribbons, the suspension ribbon of full-sized and miniature medals, and unit award emblems, with the stems of the leaves pointing to the wearer’s right. A silver oak leaf cluster is worn instead of five bronze oak leaf clusters. Oak leaf clusters joined together in series of two, three, and four are authorized for optional purchase and wear. Silver oak leaf clusters are worn to the wearer’s right of bronze oak leaf clusters; when worn with the “V” device, oak leaf clusters are worn to the wearer’s left of the “V” device. Oak leaf clusters 5/16 inch in length are worn on service ribbons, the suspension ribbon of miniature medals, and unit awards; oak leaf clusters 13/32 inch in length are worn on the suspension ribbon of full-size medals. See AR 600–8–22 for associated decorations.

      para 20-11a(1) Service ribbon bar and unit award emblem : A maximum of four oak leaf clusters may be worn on a single ribbon; a maximum of three oak leaf clusters may be worn with the “V” device on a single ribbon, for a total of four devices on the ribbon. If the number of authorized devices exceeds four, then a second ribbon is authorized for wear and is worn to the wearer’s left of the first ribbon.

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      • CW5 JEFF BURKE


        This answer is incorrect for the first portion. Ten (10) awards would require the ribbon (1st award), one silver OLC (6th award), three bronze OLCs (9th) award, and a second ribbon with no appurtenance (10th award). This looks very odd to most Soldiers but it is correct.

        If you have eleven (11) awards, the second ribbon is removed and a second silver OLC is placed on the first ribbon.

        The answer to the second portion of Joe Daniel’s question is correct. For nine (9) awards, the ribbon would be the first award, the silver OLC would be the 6th award (ribbon plus 5), and three bronze OLCs would result in the 9th award.

        Obviously, it is rare to see this many awards on one medal but the Army Reserve Components Achievement Medal (ARCAM) is the most common example for being awarded in excess of nine awards.

      • Mark Gerecht


        CW5 Burke, Thanks for catching this. Even crusty and grumpy OLD CSMs get it wrong sometimes. I really appreciate the correction. In addition if you have a moment would love to chat with you about another subject. If you don’t’ mind please send me an email to MarkG@Byrrdinc.com Respectfully Top

      • Tom


        I hate to disagree with a retired CSM (regarding 10 awards total being 2 Silver OLCs), however, the ribbon counts as one award, so ten awards of a medal are NOT 2 silver OLC:

        1st AWD: Ribbon/Medal
        2nd AWD: 1 Bronze OLC
        3rd AWD: 2 Bronze OLC
        4th AWD: 3 Bronze OLC
        5th AWD: 4 Bronze OLC
        6th AWD: 1 Silver OLC
        7th AWD: 1 Silver OLC, 1 Bronze OLC
        8th AWD: 1 Silver OLC, 2 Bronze OLC
        9th AWD: 1 Silver OLC, 3 Bronze OLC
        10th AWD: 1 Silver OLC, 1 Bronze OLC, additional ribbon (cannot have 1 S OLC, 4 B OLC)
        11th AWD: 2 Silver OLC

        The additional ribbon issue pops up at 10th (1 S OLC, 4 B OLC), 14th (2 S OLC, 3 B OLC), 15th (2 S OLC, 4 B OLC), 18 (3 S OLC, 2 B OLC), 19 (3 S OLC, 3 B OLC), and 20th (3 S OLC, 4 B OLC)

        AR 600-8-22 para 6-3:
        “A silver oak leaf cluster is worn instead of five bronze oak leaf clusters. If the number of authorized oak leaf clusters exceeds four, a second ribbon is authorized for wear. When wearing the second ribbon, place it after the first ribbon; the second ribbon counts as one award. Wear no more than four oak leaf clusters on each ribbon. If the receipt of future awards reduces the number of oak leaf clusters sufficiently (that is, a silver oak leaf clusters for five awards), remove the second ribbon and place the appropriate number of devices on a single ribbon.”

      • Mark Gerecht


        Tim, Greatly appreciate the input. Yes even old crusty and grumpy retired CSMs are wrong. I greatly appreciate you catching this issue. Please send me an email at: MarkG@Byrrdinc.com I would like to chat with you if you don’t mind. Respectfully, TOP

  • Terry Lee Pierce


    Im authorized Seven Oak Leaf Clusters on my Overseas Short Tour ribbon. How do I place the clusters on the ribbon? Thankyou for any help and Be Safe.

    • Mark Gerecht


      DA PAM 670-1 states:
      20–11. Appurtenances
      Appurtenances are devices affixed to service or suspension ribbons or worn instead of medals or ribbons. They are worn
      to denote additional awards, participation in a specific event, or other distinguished characteristics of the award. The following appurtenances may be worn on decorations, medals, ribbons, and other awards, when authorized by the proper authority. See AR 670–1 for wear policy.

      a. Oak Leaf Clusters. A bronze or silver twig of four oak leaves with three acorns on the stem. Personnel wear oak leaf clusters centered on the service ribbons, the suspension ribbon of full-sized and miniature medals, and unit award emblems, with the stems of the leaves pointing to the wearer’s right. A silver oak leaf cluster is worn instead of five bronze oak leaf
      clusters. Oak leaf clusters joined together in series of two, three, and four are authorized for optional purchase and wear. Silver oak leaf clusters are worn to the wearer’s right of bronze oak leaf clusters; when worn with the “V” device, oak leaf clusters are worn to the wearer’s left of the “V” device. Oak leaf clusters 5/16 inch in length are worn on service ribbons,
      the suspension ribbon of miniature medals, and unit awards; oak leaf clusters 1

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