Am I required to write my own evaluation report? | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Am I required to write my own evaluation report?

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This response is based on information you provided and is not to be used when making a decision. Read the regulations, consult with your chain of command, JAG and/or IG before making any decisions.

AR 623-3 is clear on this issue. The rater prepares the report and the rated Soldier will not prepare their own report. See extracts below:

(3) End of the rating period. The rater will review the final DA Form 2166–9–1A when preparing NCOERs. Afterwards, they will initial and date the form to acknowledge the review. The rater will include the duty description from the rated NCO’s final DA Form 2166–9-1As and may include performance-related information. However, the choice of what to enter on the NCOER is ultimately up to the rater.

(a) The rater is responsible for completing parts I, II, III, and IV of the final NCOER including APFT performance entry and date, and the height and weight entry including verification of compliance of AR 600–9 in part IV, block a and b (or an explanation of missing APFT and/or height and weight entries). See DA Pam 623–3 for procedural guidance.(b) For DA Form 2166–9–1 and DA Form 2166–9–2, raters will use bullet format for comments in part IV for these NCOERs. For DA Form 2166–9–3, raters will use narrative format when entering comments in part IV.

(b) Part IV will be an assessment of a rated NCO’s professionalism, performance, and adherence to the attributes and core leader competencies of the Army Leadership Requirements Model (including the APFT, height and weight entries, and entry of compliance/noncompliance with AR 600–9), focusing on what a leader is (attributes) and what a leader does (competencies) during the rating period (see ADP/ADRP 6–22). Part IV contains the dimensions of the Army’s leadership doctrine that define professionalism for the Army NCO. Attributes are characteristics that are an inherent part of an individual’s total core, physical, and intellectual aspects. Attributes shape how an individual behaves in their environment and are aligned to identity, presence, and intellectual capacity. Core leader competencies emphasize the roles, functions, and activities of what leaders do. Core leader competencies are complemented by attributes that distinguish high performing leaders of character. Core leader competencies apply across all levels of the organization, across leader positions, and throughout careers. The Army Values, of empathy, warrior ethos, and discipline are critical attributes that define a leader’s character and apply across all grades, positions, branches, and specialties. These attributes are critical to maintain public trust and confidence in the Army and the qualities of leadership and management needed to maintain an effective NCO Corps. The NCOER incorporates the Army Leadership Requirements Model to emphasize and reinforce professionalism
(see ADP/ADRP 6–22).

With that said if a leader is allowing you to write your own report you can consider several actions:

  1. Make a list of all your achievements and ask for a mentoring session in how to properly fill out the form
  2. Make a list of all of your achievements and consult with a leader you respect to help you fill out the form
  3. You could refuse to write the evaluation and take the risk of getting a poor or poorly worded evaluation report.

In my experience leaders that request you to write your own evaluation report are usually lazy or simply struggle with writing evaluation reports. Be careful what you ask for.

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Mark is a Retired Command Sergeant Major with 26 years of military leadership experience. He held 3 military occupational specialties (Field Artillery, Nuclear Weapons Tech, and Ammunition Ordnance). Mark is one of the leading military authors in the fields of leadership, counseling, and training.

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