Change of Responsibility Script | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Change of Responsibility Script

Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide

Example of a script for the ceremony for a change of command. Change of command may also be called transfer of authority.

NOTE: This document is in MS Word format


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  • SGT Bonet


    are there any scripts that pertain to a combined Change of Responsibility and Change of Command done at the same time?

    • Mark Gerecht


      Typically the ceremony is the same as a chain of command. Once the chain of command orders are read with the commander assuming command, then orders are rfead for the change of responsibility. I have observed the ceremony as having the out going NCO passing the colors to the out going commander. The outgoing commander hands the colors over to the BNCDR commander. BNCDR hands colors to incoming NCO and Incoming NCO places the colors back with the color bearer. Then the party departs back to the speaking area changing sides as appropriate. Then the speeches begin.

      Hope this helps!

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