Retention SOP | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Retention SOP

The comprehensive guide to the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP)

This is a Word format version of a retention SOP. It can be used as an example of how to write a retention SOP. Detailed explanations are include for the administrative procedures of:

  1. Sponsorship and In Processing.
  2. Retention and Reenlistment Interviews. Prior to any interview, the Readiness NCO will determine reenlistment/ extension eligibility. This will preclude last minute problems. All interviews are documented on DA Form 4856.
  3. Retention and Reenlistment Interview Administrative Procedures.
  4. Administrative Procedures.
  5. Reenlistment and Extension Contracts. The Retention NCO prepares the DD Form 4/1 and 4/2 (reenlistment) and DA Form 4836 (extension).
  6. Reenlistment Bonus.
  7. SLRP. Soldiers, who reenlist and meet the eligibility criteria of AR 135-7 and provided the Soldier’s MOS is on the current HQDA SLRP List.
  8. Montgomery GI Bill (MGIB). Process enlisted Soldiers for enrollment in the MGIB who reenlist or extend their current contract for a 6-year period (or officers who extend their current service agreement for 6 years using DA Form 5447, and meet the other eligibility criteria of AR 135-7.
  9. Soldier Accountability Program. This program is outlined in USAR Regulation 140-6. The 1SG will ensure the platoon sergeants for each platoon contacts Soldiers who are absent for Battle Assembly without a know reason.
  10. Retention NCO Selection.
  11. Retention NCO Training.

Although this SOP addresses and identifies specific actions by unit personnel, timeliness and good judgment must be exercised in all our actions, if we are to retain our Soldiers and be prepared for a call to active duty, to fight win and provide!

NOTES: Some references listed in this doc might have been superseded and/or updated and should be checked for accuracy, which can be easily done using the DA PAM 25-30 web page or downloaded and installed program for checking current and superseded DOD publications (For example purposes only: FM 3-0 was superseded by ADP 3-0, on 10 October 2011) : This document is in MS Word format : If you need or were looking for DA Form 4836DA Form 4856 or DA Form 5447 use the Downloads provided below the download for this document.

Down load This Document Retention SOP Clock Below:


Download DA Form 4836 Oath of Extension of Enlistment or Reenlistment Fillable PDF Format Click Below


Download DA Form 4836 Oath of Extension of Enlistment or Reenlistment XFDL IBM Lotus Forms Viewer/Pure Edge Format Click Below


Download DA Form 4856 Developmental Counseling Form Fillable PDF Format Click Below


Download DA Form 4856 Developmental Counseling Form XFDL IBM Lotus Forms Viewer/Pure Edge Format Click Below


Download DA Form 5447 Officer Service Agreement – Selected Reserve Education Assistance Program (Short Title: Montgomery GI Bill) Fillable PDF Format Click Below


Download DA Form 5447 Officer Service Agreement – Selected Reserve Education Assistance Program (Short Title: Montgomery GI Bill) XFDL IBM Lotus Forms Viewer/Pure Edge Format Click Below


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  • Vito


    Awesome post.

    • Mark Gerecht


      Thanks! If you have anything to contribute to the Armsroom please feel free to share it with us!


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