Carpentry and Masonry Course | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Carpentry and Masonry Course

The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide

Total Army Training powerpoint presentations and documentation for Carpentry and Masonry Course

Purpose: The resident MOS 51B10 Carpentry and Masonry Course provides skill level 1 soldiers with the skills and knowledge required to perform light and heavy carpentry, masonry, and structural steel duties, and assist in combat engineering missions.

Course Scope: The student receives Common Engineer and MOS-specific training,:

  • 39.9 hours of Common Engineer Training (CET) consisting of basic demolitions and basic mobility, countermobility, and survivability training.
  • 3.0 hours of Introduction to MOS 51B Course which introduces the facility, course procedures, and criteria for successful course completion, course safety, and environmental stewardship.
  • 39.0 hours of construction fundamentals
  • 185.0 hours of MOS specific training in concrete, masonry, wood framing, roofing, and exterior finish construction.

Phase Scope: The student receives Common Engineer and MOS-specific training, 3.0 hours of Introduction to MOS 51B Course which introduces the facility, course procedures, and criteria for successful course completion, course safety, and environmental stewardship.

  • 39.0 hours of construction fundamentals.
  • 185.0 hours of MOS specific training in concrete, masonry, wood framing, roofing, and exterior finish construction.

Course Prerequisites: Resident course students must meet current requirements listed in AR 611-21 and AR 600-9.

Phase Prerequisites: Resident course students must meet current requirements listed in AR 611-21 and AR 600-9.

Special Information: Stand alone POI :  39.9 hours of Common Engineer Training (CET) consisting of basic demolitions and basic mobility, countermobility, and survivability training.


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