TC 3-21.220 Static Line Parachuting Techniques and Training – Supersedes FM 3-21.220 Static Line Parachuting Techniques and Training | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

TC 3-21.220 Static Line Parachuting Techniques and Training – Supersedes FM 3-21.220 Static Line Parachuting Techniques and Training

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This training circular contains basic and advanced training and techniques for static line parachuting. It is designed to standardize procedures for initial qualification and training of personnel in their duties and responsibilities in airborne operations. The jumpmaster, assistant jumpmaster, safeties, DACO, DZSTL, and DZSO occupy key positions in airborne operations. This manual contains the initial training and qualifications of the personnel designated to occupy these critical positions. It provides all DOD Airborne personnel with techniques and training guidelines to maintain an Airborne force.

NOTES: TC 3-21.220 supersedes FM 3-21.220 : FM 3-21.220 was formally FM 57-220 : TC 3-21.220 is a joint publication and is also: MCWP 3-15.7, AFMAN11-420, and NAVSEA SS400-AF-MMO-010


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