TC 3-04.81 provides administrative and operational standards for U.S. Army air traffic control (ATC) facilities and units. It consists of two parts—part one applies to installation (fixed) ATC facilities only and part two applies to tactical ATC facilities. It supplements applicable Department of the Army (DA), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), and International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) publications; Air and Space Interoperability Council (ASIC) Air Standards; and North Atlantic Treaty Organization standard agreements (STANAGs) to be used in providing air traffic services (ATS). When the U.S. Army provides ATC services in overseas areas or tactical deployments necessitate deviations from these standards, it may be necessary to outline these deviations in an agreement between the theater commander and the host nation to conform to foreign government regulations.
NOTES: TC 3-04.81 Supersedes FM 3-04.303 : FM 3-04.303 Supersedes FM 1-303