TC 21-24 Rappelling | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

TC 21-24 Rappelling

The comprehensive guide to the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP)

This training circular provides basic rappelling techniques to Soldiers and leaders for the conduct of rappelling operations. It serves as the primary reference for both resident and nonresident instruction presented to cadets, officer candidates, and commissioned or noncommissioned officers. Guidelines on how to conduct safe rappelling operations are also contained in it. The safety notes and considerations presented provide only minimal acceptable standards. Rappelling is inherently dangerous; so commanders at all levels must analyze the complete training event to determine the degree of risk involved to men and equipment. After determining the risks, risk reduction options or controls should be integrated into the training activity. These options or controls may range from safety briefings—to providing additional safety resources—to selecting other means of accomplishing the mission.


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