TC 12-43 Percussion Techniques | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

TC 12-43 Percussion Techniques

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This publication is for skill level 1-4 soldiers holding military occupational specialty (MOS) 02M, 02N, 02T, 02U, personnel in MOS 02H/02K that do not double on another marching band instrument, and for trainers and musical supervisors. It serves as the primary reference for both resident and nonresident percussion techniques instruction presented to soldiers, noncommissioned officers, warrant officer bandmasters and commissioned officers. Trainers and first-line supervisors should ensure soldiers holding MOS 02M, 02N, 02T, 02U, 02K, and 02H (skill level 1-4) have access to this publication. It should be made available in the soldiers work area, unit learning center, and unit libraries..


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