A Guide for National Guard and Reserve Families. Since September 11, 2001, the Global War on Terrorism and its many subsequent operations have altered our lives and challenged our abilities to cope with the uncertainties of local, regional and overseas deployments. If you have a husband, wife, father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister serving in the National Guard or Reserve, this booklet has been designed with you in mind. Whether your loved one is supporting a military operation overseas, performing security or other duty in a local or regional location, or performing training at the local armory or reserve center, you may face many challenges during these periods of active military service. Because of the geographic dispersion of many Guard and Reserve families, it is often more difficult to obtain information about benefits and in some cases to use them. It also may be more difficult to access various support services that are normally available at active duty installations. Although primarily designated to answer the questions a spouse may have, this guide provides a valuable resource to all family members who may have questions about these entitlements and benefits or simply need to know who to contact for assistance.
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