FM 3-34.170 Engineer Reconnaissance | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

FM 3-34.170 Engineer Reconnaissance

Battlefield Deception Guide - From Alexander the Great to Norman Schwarzkopf

Engineer reconnaissance is not a form of reconnaissance. Engineer reconnaissance is instead a focused application of special/ unique capabilities supporting reconnaissance operations and is applicable over/ pertinent to all four forms of reconnaissance. It provides doctrinal guidance for engineer reconnaissance in support of full spectrum operations, including engineer reconnaissance in support of tactical operations as well as engineer technical reconnaissance support. It will serve as a reference document for engineer commanders and staff, leaders, training developers, and doctrine developers throughout the Army and Marine Corps. It will also provide guidance to commanders for the employment of engineer reconnaissance capabilities in support of all operations.

NOTES: FM 3-34.170 is a joint publication and is also MCWP 3-17.4 : FM 3-34.170 supersedes FM 5-170

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