FM 3-07 STABILITY OPERATIONS | – Leader Development for Army Professionals


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FM 3-07 presents overarching doctrinal guidance and direction for conducting stability operations, setting the foundation for developing other fundamentals and tactics, techniques, and procedures detailed in subordinate field manuals. It also provides operational guidance for commanders and trainers at all echelons and forms the foundation for Army Training System curricula. It focuses on achieving unity of effort through a comprehensive approach to stability operations, but remains consistent with, and supports the execution of, a broader “whole of government” approach as defined by the United States Government (USG).  The principal audience for it is the middle and senior leadership of the Army, officers in the rank of major and above, who command Army forces or serve on the staffs that support those commanders.This manual is also intended to serve as a resource for the other government agencies, intergovernmental organizations, agencies of other governments, international organizations, nongovernmental organizations, and private sector entities who seek to develop a better understanding of the role of the military in broader reconstruction and stabilization efforts.


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