AR 840-10 Flags, Guidons, Streamers, Tabards, and Automobile and Aircraft Plates | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

AR 840-10 Flags, Guidons, Streamers, Tabards, and Automobile and Aircraft Plates

The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership

This regulation prescribes the design, acquisition, display, disposition, and use of flags, guidons, streamers, automobile and aircraft plates, and tabards by Department of the Army organizations and personnel. It is the authority for these items and their basis of issue. It also describes the flags used by the President, Vice President, officials of the Department of Defense, and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.


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  • Michael Schroeder


    What is the proper direction of displaying armed forces flags in a circle – clockwise or counter clockwise in the order of precedence?

  • Joe


    I am inquiring about the proper way to display the American flag on a Military vehicle being driven in a parade.
    Should it be on the drivers side on the bumper or behind the driver on the truck or the passenger side?

    • Mark Gerecht


      Joe, first my apologies for the delay in responding. Here is a response we found that appears to be correct:
      According to the United States Flag Code, section 3(b) “The flag should not be draped over the hood, top, sides, or back of a vehicle or of a railroad train or a boat. When the flag is displayed on a motor car, the staff should be fixed firmly to the chassis or clamped to the right fender.”
      On the Presiden’t limo and other high-level U.S. officals’ vehicles you will always see the U.S. flag on the right front fender on a small staff, however as you can see by rule 3(b), it can be virtually anywhere on the vehicle so long as it is not draped, dragging, etcetera. Many law enforcment vehicles display U.S. flag stickers on their vehicles and in many different positions–some correct, some not.

      Here are two links to documents that you may also find of use:
      Flag Guidelines:
      Flag Display:


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