AR 750-1 Army Materiel Maintenance Policy | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

AR 750-1 Army Materiel Maintenance Policy

Counsel Quick - Army Counseling Software

This regulation establishes policies and assigns responsibilities for the maintenance of Army materiel. It provides and defines requirements for performance and management of the materiel maintenance function. It relates to two levels of maintenance: field and sustainment. Field consists of maintenance functions formerly known as operator and/or crew (equipment operators and vehicle crews), unit, and direct support. Sustainment consists of maintenance functions formerly known as general support and depot operations of the Army maintenance system and Armywide program for commodity-unique maintenance. This regulation also applies to maintenance of all materiel owned or supported by the Army, except materiel purchased with nonappropriated funds (see AR 215-1), special intelligence property, real property, foreign materiel used for training, leased/rented materiel (unless the lease and/or rental agreement dictates otherwise), medical, materiel maintenance as implemented in AR 12-1, and those aspects of combat and materiel development that impact the materiel maintenance function. The provisions of this regulation are applicable to all Army and civil-funded property under the direct control of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.


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