AR 735-5 Property Accountability Policies | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

AR 735-5 Property Accountability Policies

Wear it Right! Army Uniform Guide

This publication contains concepts and guidelines for establishing and maintaining the Command Supply Discipline Program. The CSDP addresses supervisory and/or managerial responsibilities within the supply system from the user to the Army command, Army service component command, and/or direct reporting unit level. AR 710-2 outlines the specific requirements for the CSDP. The CSDP is a compilation of existing regulatory requirements brought together for visibility purposes. It is directed at standardizing supply discipline throughout the Army. Also, the CSDP is meant to simplify command, supervisory, and managerial responsibilities. Simplification is accomplished by outlining the various requirements for responsible personnel, by standardizing requirements, and by formalizing follow-up procedures.


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