AR 702-16 Chemical Materiel Stockpile Reliability Program | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

AR 702-16 Chemical Materiel Stockpile Reliability Program

Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide

This regulation:

a.  Establishes Army policy, responsibilities, and guidance for the Chemical Materiel Stockpile Reliability Program. This program applies to all chemical materiel except ammunition, bulk chemical agents, and medical materiel intended for defense or treatment against the effects of chemical and biological warfare or agents.
b. Applies to all chemical/biological defense materiel, including chemical agent detectors, individual chemical protective equipment, collective protective equipment, and decontamination equipment. Specifically, any equipment used by soldiers or depot workers in the performance of their duties in a chemically/biologically contaminated area falls under the provision of the CMSRP. For example, all over-garments, gloves, over-boots, masks, and filters fall under the provision of the CMSRP.


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