AR 680-300 Reporting of Dependents of Active Duty Military Personnel and US Citizens Employees | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

AR 680-300 Reporting of Dependents of Active Duty Military Personnel and US Citizens Employees

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This regulation:

a. Provides for the preparation and submission of statistical summary data on dependents of Active Army military personnel and Army citizen civilian employees located outside the continental United States as required by Headquarters, Department of the Army, and the Department of Defense.
b. Establishes the policy and method concerning the reporting of data for the categories of personnel in a above, as follows:

(1) Reporting to HQDA will consist of semiā€“annual statistical summary data.
(2) Country of residence of each dependents will be reported.
(3) Certain categories of military sponsors will be specifically identified.
(4) Reporting of all dependents located outside CONUS, regardless of location of sponsor.
(5) Civilian employees who are paid from appropriated funds who have no dependents will not be reported.

Historical Copy.


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