AR 630-10 Absence Without Leave, Desertion, and Administration of Personnel Involved in Civilian Court Proceedings | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

AR 630-10 Absence Without Leave, Desertion, and Administration of Personnel Involved in Civilian Court Proceedings

Wear it Right! Army Uniform Guide

This regulation establishes policies and procedures for reporting absences, and establishes procedures for special category absentees, personnel dropped from the rolls, and the surrender of military personnel to civilian law enforcement authorities. It refines policy and procedures for personnel in an absent without leave status who are charged with or convicted of a civilian or criminal offense or confined or restricted by a court order. This regulation provides procedures for verifying the military status of personnel whose military records are incomplete. This regulation provides procedures for verifying whether Army National Guard and United States Army Reserve Soldiers who fail to report for mobilization knew of or received their mobilization orders. This regulation changes the procedures for Army National Guard and United States Army Reserve members who fail to report for initial active duty for training.



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  • Minnina


    In a formation, how do you line up by order of rank or position, if position out ranks the rank or TIS AND TIG.

    • Mark Gerecht


      Interesting question. AR 600-20 explains how precedence is determined. Typically individuals line up according to rank. For example: Squad leader (E-6), Team Leaders (E-5) and then E-4, E-3, E-2, E-1. In some rare cases it is possible that a junior leader maybe be of a higher position. For example let’s say you have two E-6’s in squad and the Junior E-6 is the Squad leader. The junior Soldier would assume the position of the Squad leader and the Senior E-6 would assume the position immediately after the Squad leader.

      Usually lining up in formation is not an issue among Soldiers as it is usually done by grade (as described above) occasionally you may run into a Soldier that wants to be in the correct position buy Date of Rank or Time in Grade. For example: Let’s say you have 3 E-4s in a squad. They are Soldier A has 2 years time in grade, Soldier B has 6 months, time in grade, and Soldier C has 3 months time in grade. They would line up in the following order A, B, C.

      AR 600-20 paragraph 2-19 specifically states the following order of precedence will be taken:

      Precedence of relative grade, enlisted Soldiers
      Among enlisted Soldiers of the same grade in active military Service, to include retired enlisted Soldiers on AD, precedence or relative grade will be determined as follows:
      a. According to DOR.
      b. By length of active Federal Service in the Army when dates of rank are the same.
      c. By length of total active Federal Service when a and b, above are the same.
      d. By date of birth when a, b, and c, above are the same—older is more senior.

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