AR 612-201 Initial Entry/ Prior Service Trainee Support | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

AR 612-201 Initial Entry/ Prior Service Trainee Support

Battlefield Deception Guide - From Alexander the Great to Norman Schwarzkopf

This regulation prescribes the trainee and student processing functions of the Military Personnel System and is linked to AR 600-8. It provides principles of support, standards of service, tasks, rules, and steps governing all work required in the field to support trainee and student processing of initial entry training Soldiers, prior service training, and mobilized Individual Ready Reservists. Heads of HQDA agencies and commanders of Army Commands, installations, and activities need to be familiar with the provisions or knowledge of AR 340-21 and AR 25-55. It prescribes policy for processing and reporting initial entry Soldiers from time of arrival at a U.S. Army Reception Battalion to completion of advanced individual training or departure to their permanent duty station. It also prescribes policy for processing and reporting individual ready reservists mobilized in time of war or national emergency or in support of an Army operation from time of arrival at a U.S. Army Reception Battalion through validation of training skills.


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