AR 570-4 Manpower Management | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

AR 570-4 Manpower Management

Battlefield Deception Guide - From Alexander the Great to Norman Schwarzkopf

This regulation establishes civilian and military manpower management guidance for activities organized under tables of distribution and allowances, modification tables of organization and equipment, and related augmentation and mobilization manning documents. Because this regulation prescribes the responsibilities of manpower managers and the procedures and processes by which they determine, acquire, program, and use manpower resources through resource management, personnel management, and force management, it takes precedence over other Army regulations on manpower management matters. It should be used by manpower and force management personnel at all levels as the primary reference document for their daily operations. All managers should use this regulation as a reference when exercising their personnel or resource management responsibilities. Force structure managers must take into account guidance in this regulation on such issues as conversions, position identification, and special duty when developing force structure changes. It incorporates objectives of the National Performance Review as those objectives relate to manpower management.


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