AR 405-25 Annexation | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

AR 405-25 Annexation

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This regulation sets forth the fundamental legal philosophy, basic policies, procedures, and responsibilities attributable to those situations where a political subdivision of a State seeks to alter its existing boundaries in a manner which would result in the inclusion therein of real estate under control of the Department of the Army. This regulation is applicable to  annexation actions involving both military and civil works lands of the Department of the Army and will be used by the Office of the Chief of Engineers in processing any requested annexation matters in connection with land under the control of the Department of the Air Force, as its real estate agent, subject to any additional requirements and regulations of the Air Force. Additionally, the regulation covers those situations in which the Department of the Army considers that it would be advantageous to the Government to request that annexation of Federal lands be accomplished by the political subdivision of the State, either for acquisition or management purposes.


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