AR 40-905 Medical Services Veterinary Health Services | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

AR 40-905 Medical Services Veterinary Health Services

The Evaluator - Army Evaluation & Counseling Guide

This regulation prescribes policies, responsibilities, and procedures for the provision of veterinary health services. The veterinary health objectives of the Army Veterinary Service are to—

a. Respond to the veterinary service requirements of all components of the DoD in time of peace, war, or operations other than war.
b. Provide complete veterinary medical care for all DOD-owned animals.
c. Provide complete care to other Government-owned animals, on a reimbursable basis, as resources permit. A memorandum of understanding between the supported Government agency and the U.S. Army Veterinary Command or the overseas Major Army Command Veterinarian outside of VETCOM’s area of responsibility should be established.
d. Provide for prevention and control of zoonotic diseases (that is, those transmissible under natural conditions from vertebrate animals to humans).
e. Provide professional support to training programs and research protocols involving animal models.
f. Provide for humane medical treatment, care, use, and handling of animals.
g. Provide emergency medical treatment of privately owned animals and medical care with the emphasis on veterinary preventive medicine and diseases that present a community health threat.
h. Support the health of the military community through the Human-Animal Bond Program and other programs.


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