AR 190–45 Law Enforcement Reporting | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

AR 190–45 Law Enforcement Reporting

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This regulation—
a. Prescribes policies, procedures and responsibilities on the preparation, reporting, use, retention, and disposition of Military Police Reports and documents related to law enforcement activities, DA Form 3975–1 (Military Police Report-Additional Offenses), DA Form 3975–2 (Military Police Report-Additional Subjects), DA Form 3975–3 (Military Police Report-Additional Victims), DA Form 3975–4 (Military Police Report-Additional Persons Related to Report), and DA Form 3975–5 (Military Police Report-Additional Property).
b. Implements crime reporting requirements of the Uniform Federal Crime Reporting Act, the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, and the Victim Rights and Restitution Act.
c. Prescribes policies and procedures for submitting criminal history data (fingerprint cards) to the Criminal Justice Information Systems Federal Bureau of Investigation.
d. Mandates the use of the Centralized Operations Police Suite Military Police Reporting System as the automated reporting System to standardize law enforcement reporting throughout the Army providing commanders, Headquarters, Department of the Army, and the Department of Defense a record of MPRs and services.
e. Prescribes responsibilities and updates policy and procedures for reporting serious incidents within the Department of the Army. The Serious Incident Report System—

(1) Provides early notice to HQDA that a serious incident has occurred or will have occurred.
(2) Provides the chain of command with timely information to respond to queries from DOD, news media, and others.
(3) Meets law enforcement reporting requirements for selected criminal incidents and provides law enforcement personnel such as the Department of Homeland Security and Transportation Security Administration the most current information available.
(4) Is not designed to be used for statistical comparison of commands.
(5) Is not intended to include reporting of all criminal acts.

f. Provides policies and procedures for Army participation in the CJIS, National Crime Information Center of the FBI. It supplements standards and procedures established in the NCIC Operating Manual and the National Law Enforcement Telecommunications Systems Operating Manual.
g. Sets forth policies and procedures for the handling of misdemeanors referred to U.S. Magistrates or District Courts. It pertains to petty offenses and other misdemeanors, including, but not limited to, most moving and standing traffic violations and certain violations of conservation, environmental protection, and safety laws committed by service members and civilians on military installations.
h. Assigns the geographic areas of responsibility to specific installation Provost Marshals/Directors of Emergency Services.


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