AR 135-155 Promotion of Commissioned Officers and Warrant Officers Other Than General Officers | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

AR 135-155 Promotion of Commissioned Officers and Warrant Officers Other Than General Officers

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This regulation prescribes policy and procedures used for selecting and promoting commissioned officers (other than commissioned warrant officers) of the Army National Guard and of commissioned and warrant officers of the Army Reserve. This regulation supports the objectives of the Army’s officer promotion system that provides for career progression based on recognition of an officer’s potential to serve in positions of increased responsibility. Commissioned officers appointed to or from assignment to the Army Medical Department, Chaplains, and the Judge Advocate General’s Corps will not be promoted if, before promotion, the officer receives a new original appointment with assignment to a branch other than the branch or corps to which assigned when considered for promotion.

Applicability: This regulation applies to the United States Army Reserve and Army National Guard.


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