Promotion Verbiage Memo Examples | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Promotion Verbiage Memo Examples

Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide

This is two examples of Promotion Verbiage memo examples. They can be use to help write a memo regarding someones promotion

NOTE: This document is in MS PowerPoint


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  • Michael Smith


    I’m fairly certain that for promotion to the grade of E2-E4 the citation should NOT read “Secretary of the Army”.

    • Mark Gerecht


      Thanks for your comments. I checked into it with our Admin SME. Here is the reply I received:

      “Orders” for PVT-SPC are only required when advancing with a waiver. I’ve seen ceremonies done both ways where they simply read the 4187 and start it off with…”Private John D. Doe is hereby advances to the rank of Private (E2) effective XXX by authority of AR 600-8-19, signed…” Whomever signed the 4187.

      I more commonly see it done where the certificate of promotion is read just as the certificate is typed up. The “Secretary of the Army” is used for NCO promotions because that is in fact what the promotion orders.

      So you are absolutely correct! Thanks for sharing your knowledge.

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