91W10 Advanced Individual Training Course: Clinical Handbook Supportive Care | AskTOP.net – Leader Development for Army Professionals

91W10 Advanced Individual Training Course: Clinical Handbook Supportive Care

The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership

Topics covered in this handbook are as follows: Treat Metabolic Endocrine Symptoms (Review of principles of glucose metabolism; Assess the casualty for hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia; Disorders of the Thyroid Gland; Hypothyroidism); Treat Neurological Symptoms (Determine the cause and/or mechanism of injury; Assess a casualty in a field setting using the Glasgow Coma Scale; Assess a patient with neurological symptoms in a clinical setting; Assessment of Patient with Specific Neurological Symptoms; Refer to further medical care); Treat Cardiopulmonary Symptoms (Assess Cardiac Compromise; Provide Care for Cardiac Compromise; Assess Respiratory Symptoms; Provide Care for Respiratory Illness); Treat Gastrointestinal Symptoms (General assessment; Identify and manage specific gastrointestinal illness); Treat Genitourinary Symptoms (Recognize specific illnesses; Recognize Sexually Transmitted Diseases; Review Male and Female Catheterization); Treat Skin Disorders (Assess for Skin Disorders; Identify and Manage Viral Disorders of the Skin; Identify and Manage Bacterial Disorders; Identify and Manage Inflammatory Disorders; Identify and Manage Fungal Infections of the Skin; Identify and Manage Other Skin Disorders); Treat infectious Disease & Immunologic Symptoms (Review Concepts Associated with Infectious Diseases; General Assessment of Suspected Infectious or Communicable Disease; Assess and Treat Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, and Respiratory Complaints; Assess and Treat Gastrointestinal (GI) Complaints; Assess and Treat a Fever, Headache, and Sinus Symptoms; Assess and Treat Hepatitis; Assess for Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV); Assess and Treat for Lyme Disease; Identify Viral Diseases of Childhood; Reporting an Exposure to an Infectious/ Communicable Disease); Appendix A – Insert and Remove NG Tube Catheter, Competency Skill Sheets; Appendix B – Insert and Remove Foley Catheter, Competency Skill Sheets

NOTE: This document is in PDF format : Chapter heading are bold, subsections of chapter are in (parentheses).


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