ER 1165-2-18 Reimbursement for Non-Federal Participation in Civil Works Projects | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

ER 1165-2-18 Reimbursement for Non-Federal Participation in Civil Works Projects

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Purpose:  This regulation provides guidance on use of Section 215 of the Flood Control Act of 1968, as amended, to reimburse (i.e. credit, repay, or combination) a non-Federal public body for construction of part of an authorized Federal project. It establishes general policies, outlines procedures to be followed in preparing a Section 215 agreement with an eligible non-Federal entity, and provides guidance on the provisions of such an agreement. The actual reaching of an agreement depends, in addition to observance of this guidance, on HQUSACE judgments concerning budget priorities, as set forth in paragraph 4f. All projects specifically authorized by the Congress are subject to this Act and this regulation.

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