ER 1105-2-100 Appendix H Amendment 1 | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

ER 1105-2-100 Appendix H Amendment 1

Wear it Right! Army Uniform Guide

Purpose: This appendix prescribes policy compliance review and approval procedures for the following decision documents: section 905(b) analyses, feasibility reports, limited and general reevaluation reports, post authorization change reports, and other reports supporting project authorization or budget decisions. This appendix applies to specifically authorized projects and programs, but does not supersede any requirements contained in the authorizing language for those projects and programs. Appendix F addresses requirements for the Continuing Authorities Program (CAP) projects. Separate guidance addresses the peer review requirements for the various decision documents and their supporting analyses (the phrase “peer review” in this appendix includes both Independent Technical Review and External Peer Review). ER 1165-2-502 addresses requirements for decision documents with review and approval authority delegated to the Major Subordinate Commands (MSCs).


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