ER 1105-2-100 Appendix D Amendment 1 | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

ER 1105-2-100 Appendix D Amendment 1

Battlefield Deception Guide - From Alexander the Great to Norman Schwarzkopf

a.  Introduction.  This appendix covers economic and social considerations not addressed elsewhere.  Guidance for estimating NED benefits is provided in Appendix E, Civil Works Missions and Evaluation Procedures, where the evaluation procedure for each project type is presented in its mission context.  Some aspects of economic evaluation, and of planning generally, are constant across missions; those aspects are in this appendix.

b.  Economic Considerations.  Economic considerations which cut across missions and projects include such aspects as the proper use of interest rates, how to allocate cost among project purposes, how to test for financial solvency of a non-Federal sponsor, how to best estimate current project benefits, how to evaluate other direct benefits, and other economic evaluation procedures.

c.  Social Considerations.  The social considerations which cut across various missions and projects include such aspects as the evaluation of unemployed and underemployed labor, evaluation of urban and community impacts such as life, health and safety factors, estimations of displacement, evaluations in changes to long-term productivity or real income, evaluations in changes in energy requirements and conservation, evaluations of changes in educational, cultural or recreational opportunities, evaluations of change in emergency preparedness.


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