EP 870-1-51 U.S. Army Engineers in Hawaii An Inventory of Records Before 1948 | AskTOP.net – Leader Development for Army Professionals

EP 870-1-51 U.S. Army Engineers in Hawaii An Inventory of Records Before 1948

The Evaluator - Army Evaluation & Counseling Guide

Foreword: These little known records are a treasure-trove of useful information about the Corps of Engineers’ construction in the Pacific Ocean region. Some of the files included in this inventory contain correspondence relating to projects dating from the 1920s and 1930s, such as territorial airfield construction, creation and inventory of roads and trails, creation of the network of coastal defense guns with its railroad logistical support system, and a string of island airfields from Hawaii to Australia initially intended to ferry aircraft to General MacArthur’s Philippine air force.

The specificity of the information and the wide range of sites included in this inventory will enable environmental researchers to quickly identify records worth examining. Use of this inventory should help researchers save time and money by showing them what is in this collection and where the relevant documents in it are located. This inventory is part of a larger series of records located in the National Archives at College Park, Maryland, and as such, reflect only a small percentage of possibly useful records there.

This inventory represents a joint effort of the Formerly Used Defense Sites team of the Environmental Division, the Office of History, both of Headquarters, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and the staff : of the National Archives, which made the records available for inventorying and advised on this publication. It is one of several publications designed to help environmental researchers complete their studies.


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