EP 870-1-43 Water Resources People & Issues Interview with Gilbert T White | AskTOP.net – Leader Development for Army Professionals

EP 870-1-43 Water Resources People & Issues Interview with Gilbert T White

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Preface: Few people have influenced water resources planning more than Gilbert White. Within the Corps, his impact is reflected in the Floodplain Information Services Program, which has been in existence for over 30 years. Also, the Corps’ Office of History has accepted the responsibility to preserve and catalog White’s papers, which are an invaluable research source for social scientists, historians, planners, and policy makers. A register of these papers will be made available as soon as possible.

This present interview is the third published in the Water Resources People and Issues series.  Though in-depth interviews, this series presents the thoughts and careers of key individuals who have influenced United States water resources development.  We recommend this interview to all those interested in the past and future of water resources planning.


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