EP 870-1-11 Engineer Profiles The District Engineer Interviews with Colonel William Badger | AskTOP.net – Leader Development for Army Professionals

EP 870-1-11 Engineer Profiles The District Engineer Interviews with Colonel William Badger

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FOREWORD: Over the years the program of the Corps of Engineers has changed significantly.  National goals have changed with the times, and the amount of money and manpower to carry them out has varied as well.  Whatever the mission and resources allotted, the District Engineer (DE) has retained a pivotal role in its execution.

In recognition of the central position of the DE in carrying out the work of the Corps, I have asked the Historical Division to undertake a series of interviews with incumbent DEs.  These periodic conversations are intended to show the evolving viewpoints of DEs, their approaches to problems, their techniques of management.

This publication contains the first group of interviews in this series.  Future DEs should find Colonel Bill Badger’s reflections on his responsibilities and performance instructive in preparing for their assignments.  Military personnel and civilian employees who wish more information on the execution of our program should also find this useful.


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